A depressed or agoraphobic person not leaving the house and not attending school, which goes against the written rule that children under 18 should attend full-time education
A person with OCD performing compulsive behaviour like turning a light switch on and off many times, which goes against the norm of just turning it off once
Strengths of defining abnormality by deviation from social norms (DSN)
Practical applications - DSN focuses on observable behaviour, allowing identification of those whose behaviour deviates from norms, which can enable intervention and support
DSN takes into account cultural, historical and situational differences in behaviour, in line with diagnostic manuals like DSM-V
Can be used as a means of social control, as social norms are subjective and constructed by society to exclude non-conformists
Cannot be used to define all elements of mental illness, as not all abnormality can be solely defined by social norms (e.g. antisocial personality disorder causing distress to others)