Factors affecting voting

Cards (17)

  • The first TV debate aired in 2010 and was watched by 9.9 million people.
  • In 2015 David Cameron only agreed to a further election which involved 7 leaders, however this didn't achieve the same interest and coverage.
  • A panel base survey found that 62% of people agree TV was the most influential media source in providing information for the 2015 general election.
  • According to the same survey 38% of people stated the leadership debate helped to shape their views.
  • In 2010 only 1/3 people were on a social media platform but by 2015 this had increased to more than half the population.
  • In the 10 weeks leading up to the 2015 General election politicians recieved 7 million tweets.
  • During the 2014 Scottish Referendum 80% of tweets supported the yes campaign but this was not reflected in the actual vote
  • In the past 5 elections in England and Wales 18-24 year old have voted Labour 42% over Conservative 28%
  • Those aged 65+ favoured conservative 47% over Labour 23%
  • Elderly people are more likely to vote. In the 2015 General election turnout for under 25s was 44% compared to 55+ at 78%
  • For every 10 years older a person is their chance of voting conservative increases 9 points
  • The age in which people begin voting conservative over Labour is now 39 down from 47.
  • Ethnic minorities typically vote Labour
  • The Iraq war contributed to a 5.5% drop in muslim labour supporters in 2005.
  • In Bethnal Green (a area with large muslim electorates) in 2005 anti war party respect defeated Labour.
  • In 2010 labour regained Bethnal Green after the fall of the respect party
  • In 2015 2/3rds of BME voters supported Labour