Statistical infrequency

    Cards (11)

    • Statistical infrequency
      Defines abnormality as behaviour that deviates from the mean average, thus the less often the behaviour occurs (statistically) the more likely it is to be abnormal
    • The majority of people are normal and a minority are abnormal according to the statistical infrequency definition
    • Normal distribution
      Concept used to decide which behaviour is statistically normal and which is statistically abnormal
    • The 'big five' personality characteristics (e.g. extraversion, neuroticism) are normally distributed, and mental illness is thought to be extremes of these traits
    • Approximately 68% of people fall within one standard deviation (SD) from the mean, 95% fall within 2 SD, and 99.73% fall within 3 SD
    • Standard deviation
      A measure of dispersion which shows how far spread out the data is from the mean
    • Scores more than two SD away from the mean denote an abnormality
    • The DASS (depression, anxiety and stress scale) uses a questionnaire to measure depression, anxiety and stress, with a very high score considered 'abnormal' and in need of treatment
    • Strengths of the statistical infrequency definition
      • Gives a quantitative, objective measure with a clear cut-off point for abnormality
      • Reduces stigma as no judgements are made by the clinician
    • Limitations of the statistical infrequency definition
      • Infrequent behaviour can be positive (e.g. high IQ)
      • Mental illness can be frequent (e.g. depression in 10% of population)
    • Statistical infrequency should be looked at alongside other definitions (FFA, distress) to identify behaviour that needs treatment
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