Systematic desensitisation

    Cards (21)

    • Systematic desensitization
      A behavioral therapy for phobias that involves gradually exposing the patient to the phobic stimulus while using relaxation techniques
    • Systematic desensitization
      1. Teach relaxation techniques
      2. Create a hierarchy of fear
      3. Work through the hierarchy using relaxation techniques
    • Systematic desensitization
      • Gradually exposes the patient to the phobic stimulus
      • Aims to replace the fear response with a relaxed response (counter-conditioning)
    • Relaxation techniques
      • Deep breathing
      • Muscle relaxation
    • Hierarchy of fear
      • Cartoon of spider
      • Photo of spider
      • Spider in box
      • Spider out of box on table
      • Spider on hand
      • Spider crawling on face
    • Avoidance behavior prevents learning that the phobia is not actually harmful
    • Gradual exposure to phobic stimulus
      Helps the patient realize the stimulus is not dangerous
    • Strengths of systematic desensitization
      • Effective treatment, can be done through apps, doesn't require much thinking from patient, can be used for a wide range of phobias
    • Studies on effectiveness

      • Bronson and Thor study on technophobes
      • Gil study on fear of spiders
    • Systematic desensitization is more acceptable than flooding (sudden exposure)
    • Systematic desensitization may not be effective for all phobias, especially evolutionary phobias
    • Systematic desensitization vs. drugs
      Therapy is more expensive and time-consuming, but treats the cause rather than just the symptoms
    • Systematic desensitisation (SD)

      • Effective in treating phobias
      • Potential for symptom substitution
    • Firm uses SD to treat spider phobia
      Patients less fearful of spiders after 3 months compared to control group
    • SD treats phobia symptoms
      Does not address underlying cause, may lead to symptom substitution
    • SD vs flooding for treating mouse phobia
      SD more effective than flooding or no treatment
    • SD vs supportive psychotherapy for treating phobias
      Both equally effective
    • Exposure to phobic stimulus in SD
      Can be distressing, may lead to patients dropping out
    • SD
      • More ethical than drugs or flooding
      • Widely applicable to different phobia sufferers
      • Teaches long-term relaxation skills
    • SD for phobias with evolutionary basis

      May be less effective than for learned phobias
    • SD treatment
      Expensive, requires trained therapists, less available due to NHS funding issues
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