
Cards (67)

  • there are 8 major word classes
  • adjectives - are descriptive words which describe nouns
  • comparatives - mostly by adding '-er' to the word. e.g happier
  • superlatives - adding '-est' to the word e.g. hottest
  • nouns are the names we give to people, places and things
  • proper noun s- begin with a capital letter and usually given to names and places e.g. Jack
  • common nouns - less specfic and refer to types of people, feelings and places
  • abstract - thing which we can feel but not touch e.g friendship
  • concrete nouns - things which we can touch e.g touch
  • collective - refer to groups e.g team
  • verbs refer to physical action
  • main verbs - the main verb is a clause or sentence is a single verb that expresses the main meaning
  • auxillary verbs - those verbs that are placed in front of main verbs
  • primary auxilary verbs - be, have, do
  • passive verbs - the emphasis shifts to the object of the verb, avoiding the draws of attention to the person responsible for an action.
  • active verbs - the action is emphasised as the subject of the verb
  • adverbs - these usually give more information about the verb itself. Many adverbs are formed by adding '-ly' to the ends of adjective.
  • pronouns - these are words which take place of nouns. There are 7 types
  • demonstrative - sense of pointing at something (this or that)
  • relative - linking words in a sentence (whose, that)
  • interrogative - used when asking questions (who, what)
  • indefinite - general terms (someone, anything)
  • personal pronouns - first second and third person
  • reflexive - object of a verb (ourselves)
  • possesive - show possession (his, hers)
  • conjunctions - these are joining words
  • subordinating conjunction - joins one part to another (because, if)
  • coordinating conjunction - join two equal parts together (and, but, or)
  • preposition - shows the relationship between nouns/pronouns and other words in a sentence
  • phrases - one or more words functioning as a unit in a sentence containing a head word and a modifier
  • head word is the main action or subject in the phrase
  • modifiers - words describing the head word and gives us more information about it
  • post modifier - comes after the head word
  • pre modifier - comes before the head word
  • noun phrase - this is usually a phrase where an noun is its head word
  • verb phrase - a sentence containing a main verb and any auxiliary verb
  • clauses - usually contain both a verb phrase and any other type of phrase
  • subject - main perosn or thing of the clause
  • verb - the action and object which can be direct or indirect - direst cannot take a preposition and indirect can
  • complement describes the subject