Hitler began to secretly rearm and build an air force in 1933
In 1936 he announcedconscription
In 1938, Hitler invadedAustria and formed a union (Anschluss)
Reasons for Appeasement
The Treaty of Versailles was tooharsh, so it was only fair to allow Hitler to overturnparts of it - Hitler should be allowed to rearm and remilitarise the Rhineland as Germany had been leftvulnerable
The GreatDepression meant Britain and France could notafford to fight
WWI was still fresh in people'smind, with 17million people having died including Chamberlain'sson, so he would do anything to avoidone at all costs
Against Appeasement
AppeasementincreasedHitler's confidence - The more he was given the more he demanded. When he received the Sudetenland he then invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia a few months later
People misjudgedHitler and should have knownbetter not to trust him - he has been arguingsince1920s to make Germanystrong and doing everything for the 'GreaterGermany'
Why did Stalin sign the Nazi - Soviet Pact?
Stalinneededtimetorearm - Stalin could now concentrate on Sovietindustry on building up tanks, planes and the warmaterials necessary to fightGermany in the future
StalindidnottrustBritainandFrance - He had been left out of the negotiations at the MunichConference in 1938 and saw how Britain/France were notwilling to commit their forces to stoppingHitler in the SpanishCivilWar.
Why did the League Of Nations failures encouraged Hitler?
EnforcethetermsoftheTOV - Leaguefailed to preventHitler from building an airforce, conscription, remilitarisingRhineland and increasingitsarmy
Stop the aggressiveactions of Japan and Italy in Manchurian and Abyssinianinvasions - Hitler took advantage of the Leaguesfailures
Spanish Civil War
Germany bombed Guernica in 1937
Happened on market day so lots of people
Hitler was testing his aircraft
Hitler and Mussolini's bonds got closer
Hitler's foreign policies
To achieve'Lebensraum'
To unitesallGerman-speakingpeople
When did Britain and France declare war
1st September 1939
What was the Sarr Plebiscite
French vs Germany should control the region
Area was rich in coalfields
90% votes to re-joinGermany
Union with Austria
Hitler rigged the plebiscite
Naturalresources - stimulateeconomy/ build up war machines
Now bordered Czechoslovakia on three sides
Hitler tried invading in 1934 - Mussolini stopped him
Remilitarised Rhineland
Big risk - acted against his generals
Britain and France were occupied with Abyssinia
broke TOV - notallowed to keep troops/forces in the areabut Hitler ordered200,000 troops to march into Rhineland
Why did Hitler take Germany out of the League?
OnlyGermany was forced to disarm
Commitment to upholding the terms of the treaty - Foreignpolicy was to destroy the TOV