Required practical - Osmosis potato
1. Peel the skin off the potato
2. Use a coke borer to cut them into 3 cylinders to ensure they all have the same diameter
3. Use a scalpel to ensure that they are all the same length (3mm)
4. Measure the length using a ruler and the mass using a balance
5. Place the cylinders in a test tube
6. Add 10cm^3 of 0.5 molar sugar solution to 1st test tube
7. Add 10cm^3 of 0.25 molar sugar solution to 2nd test tube
8. Add 10cm^3 of distilled water to 3rd test tube
9. Leave it in the test tubes overnight so osmosis can take place
10. Take it gently out of the test tube then roll it on a paper towel to get moisture off the surface (don't squeeze it)
11. Measure the length and mass again
12. Calculate the percentage change