Cards (101)

  • Eucharist
    Jesus instituted the Eucharistic Sacrifice of his Body and Blood to perpetuate the sacrifice of the Cross throughout the ages until he should come again
  • Eucharist instituted by Christ
    Prepared for it among the many fellowship meals during his public life
  • Eucharist
    • Celebrated with Christ by the Christian community, the Church
    • An essentially ecclesial act, carried out by the Mystical Body of Christ, that is, by the Head and his members
  • Eucharist
    • At once both sacrifice and sacred meal
    • Memorial instituted by Christ so that the saving benefits of his death and resurrection can be shared by the People of God through every age
  • Christ's presence in the Eucharistic celebration

    Really present in multiple ways, but especially under the sacramental signs of bread and wine
  • Eucharist
    The eschatological pledge and foretaste of our future glory
  • When Filipinos on the way to Mass say they are "going to Church," they are expressing a profound truth; the Christian community is never more "Church"
  • Eucharistic celebration

    The Church finds the source of its mission and the pledge of its future destiny
  • Goals of prayer in the Eucharistic celebration
    • Thanksgiving
    • Praise and adoration of God
    • Contrition for our sins
    • Petitions for His grace
    • Offering of all we have, do and are
  • Eucharist
    Essentially an act of thanksgiving (eucha-ristein) to the Father, a memorial (anamnesis) of Christ's paschal, and an invocation (epiclesis) of the Holy Spirit
  • Christ
    • The center of the Eucharist as Thanksgiving Worship, the supreme worshipper of the Father
    • The Eucharist encompasses Christ's whole life of total self-giving to the Father
    • Reveals the Father's love for us, and shows us how we are to love and commit ourselves to God in return
  • Eucharist
    Instituted by Christ at his Last Supper with the apostles so that His bloody sacrifice on the cross could be perpetuated through all ages
  • Through the mystery of the Eucharist, the sacrifice of the Cross which was once offered on Calvary, is remarkably reenacted and constantly recalled
  • Christ instituted the Eucharist so that his once-and-for-all saving Death on the Cross might be made present even to us 2,000 years later
  • Eucharist
    A sacrifice because Christ is present precisely as "offering himself for us as sacrifice to the Father
  • The Mass is not a sacrifice separate from the Cross
  • The Mass is a sacrifice of
    • Praise
    • Thanksgiving
    • Propitiation
    • Satisfaction
  • The key to this UNITY of the Eucharistic sacrifice and the sacrifice of the cross is Christ himself
  • The Eucharist is more than just a "sign" of Christ's sacrifice without the reality of that sacrifice. Rather, the Eucharist is the presence of Christ's sacrifice, because Christ's sacrifice is Christ
  • Christ
    Both Priest and Victim of the Sacrifice of the Cross, which is celebrated sacramentally in the Eucharistic sacrifice
  • Christ's sacrifice
    Radically changed the sacrifices of the Old Covenant with their slaughter of animals, sprinkling of blood, and the sacrificial meal
  • Instead of the blood of animals, at the Last Supper Christ instituted the sacrifice of the NEW covenant in his own blood
  • Eucharist
    The Source and Summit of Our Faith
  • In the Father's eyes, Christ's sacrifice meant that His beloved Son was redeeming the whole universe by offering all men and women the power to give glory to the Father with himself, the "first-born of all creation"
  • Liturgy
    The original Greek word leitourgia, which means "service," "ministry," or "work of the people"
  • For Christ himself, his death meant that way "to pass from this world to the Father, by "loving his own to the end"
  • Liturgy was used for any public work of the people, not only religious services
  • Through his dying in an act of perfect self-giving love, Christ became the Risen Lord who sends that Holy Spirit on us all
  • We are the active participants in the work of the Church
  • Christ's sacrifice
    Ended not in death but in a new and glorious life
  • Eucharistia
    We give thanks to the Lord for what He has done for us
  • Christ's resurrection is both the fulfillment of his sacrificial act and the sign of the Father's acceptance of his sacrifice
  • Eucharist
    A Greek word which means "thanksgiving"
  • Christ
    • As victim, the new Passover Lamb of the Last Supper and of Calvary
    • In his very being the one perfect sacrifice of love
    • The living sacrifice, really present in the Eucharist
  • Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
    It represents the one perfect sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary
  • "Do this in memory of me"

    In the biblical tradition, "remembrance" is not primarily a looking backward to recall a past event, but rather a making present the great acts of the past which God had worked
  • We are making present His death and resurrection
  • The Mass
    1. Liturgy of the Word
    2. Liturgy of the Eucharist
  • The Eucharistic celebration makes present Christ's exodus, by which he once for all took away sin
  • Liturgy of the Word
    • First Reading - Old Testament
    • Responsorial Psalm - Old Testament
    • Second Reading - New Testament
    • Gospel - New Testament