Idea development is essential in writing. This is done by organizing ideas in
a logical and clear manner that suits the writer’s purpose
Grammatical signals are writing devices such as transitional devices, connectors, determiners, and repetitions that are used to maintain text coherence.
Pattern of idea development refers to the structure of writing on how the ideas are being presented.
General to Particular - This pattern of idea development discusses the general topic by presenting specific details that support the topic
Cause and Effect - This pattern of idea development explains the causes or the effects of something.
Claim and Counterclaim - This pattern of idea development refers to the structure of presenting a side of an issue in an argumentative manner.
Problem-Solution - This pattern of idea development is used when a writer identifies a problem and addresses it by presenting one or more solutions
Persuasion - This pattern of idea development intends to convince the readers to do or believe in something
Outline - is a tool used in improving and organizing written ideas about a topic into a logical order
Sentence Outline - It is a type of outline that presents the thesis statement, major topics, subtopics, and supporting details in sentence form.
Topic Outline - It is a type of outline which presents the major topics, subtopics, and supporting details in the form of words and phrases.
Thesis Statement - is a one-sentence statement that expresses the main idea of an essay.
Major topics - refer to the major phrases/sentences which are formed from the thesis statement.
Subtopics - refer to the minor phrases/sentences which are formed from the major topics
Supporting Details - are phrases/sentences which provide additional information to clarify or prove the main idea.
Primary sources are firsthand information taken from original evidences such as reports on discoveries and events and interviews from persons in authority
Secondary sources are secondhand information taken from the primary sources.
Synthesizing is pulling together different ideas to come up with a new, bigger idea.
Paraphrase -To put a passage from source material into your own words similar in length as the original
Analyze - To break complex topic into smaller parts.
Inferencing - Re-wording of a paragraph or text, in order to borrow, clarify, or expand on information without plagiarizing.
A statement containing one main idea, which serves as guide in the process of synthesizing is called Topic sentence
Primary is the best source to use when synthesizing written information
Summarizing - Re-stating someone else’s ideas into as few words as possible
Paragraph - is a group of sentences organized to discuss a topic
Supporting sentences serve as the body of your paragraph. This is where you elaborate your topic by including specific details or evidences
Concluding sentence restates what the topic of the paragraph is all about
Unity means that all sentences in the paragraph talk about one central idea
Coherence refers to the connection of ideas in the paragraph in general
Development refers to the principle when a paragraph describes, elaborates, explains, and supports its topic sentence
Narration - the paragraph tells a story or recounts a series of events. It arranges the events or ideas in a chronological order which means the events are organized from beginning to end
Description - the paragraph is characterized by using more adjectives or vivid sensory description.
Process - this pattern of development is usually used to explain a process on how to do something
Exemplification - this pattern of paragraph development uses series of examples to support the topic sentence.
Comparison/Contrast - This pattern of paragraph development is used when a paragraph demonstrates comparison and/or contrast or examines how given subjects are either similar or different
Definition - This pattern of paragraph development aims to give a complete working definition of a term, concept, or idea
Classification - This pattern of paragraph development presents a topic and classifies it into component parts, types, kinds or categories.
Explanation - explains a particular subject or topic through ideas that support it
Expository – are also informational texts that present factual data on a topic through description, sequence, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, and problem-solution.
Procedural text - lists a sequence of actions or steps needed to make or do something.