1. List of digits, letters or words (2,3,4... items)
2. Recall items in the correct order
Chunking can increase the apparent capacity of STM by breaking the string into meaningful parts
Although there may be individual differences in 'capacity', capacity measures can be influenced by strategies and experience
Duration of STM
Several seconds
Type of information held in STM
Phonological information
Ockham's Razor
If there are 2 theories that account for the data then we should prefer the simpler theory
Evidence for 2-box model of memory
Single dissociation
Double dissociation
Crossover dissociation
Serial Position Curve
Probability of recall as a function of study (or serial) position
Earlier items reflect LTM
Recency effect reflects STM
Increase study time (Murdock, 1962)
1. Study 15 words at 1 vs. 2 sec/item
2. Free recall immediately after
Increasing study duration increases the LTM portion of curve but leaves the STM portion unaffected
Introduce a delay between study and test (Postman & Philips, 1965)
1. Study 30 word list
2. Test: immediate free recall vs delayed recall (10 seconds)
Delay reduces STM but leaves LTM portion of curve unaffected
The primacy effect occurs because the early items are rehearsed more, which increases LTM (Rundus, 1971)
Memory Related Neuroanatomy
Parahippocampal Gyrus
Parahippocampal Gyrus
Fusiform Gyrus
Medial Temporal Lobe (MTL)
Hippocampus, amygdala, parahippocampal gyrus
The hippocampus is part of the medial temporal lobe
Neuropsychological dissociations between STM and LTM
1. Milner (1966) - Patient HM: deficit in LTM, normal digit span (STM)
2. Baddeley & Warrington (1970) - Amnesics had a reduced LTM component, but normal STM component
Amnesia is a long term memory impairment in the absence of other cognitive deficits
Dementia patients typically show additional cognitive impairments beyond just memory
Shallice & Warrington (1970) - Patient K.F.
1. Damage to left temporal/parietal lobe
2. Digit span of 1-2 items, normal LTM
The double dissociations between STM/LTM reflect a problem with the modal model of memory
What is the capacity of STM?
Miller(1956) - memory and digit span
-study: list of digits , letters or words (2,3,4..items)
Test: recall items in the correct order, accurate recall of 7+/ -2 items
capacity of STM is about 7 items
Increasing STM capacity
Chunking: breaking the string into meaningful parts
can increase the apparent capacity of STM
-although there may be individual differences in "capacity", capacity measures can be influenced by strategies and experience.
Additional experiments on STM : What is the duration of STM?
Several seconds
What type of information does STM hold?
Phonological information (speech based sound)
Is there a "real" distintion between STM and LTM?
Ockham's Razor or "the principle of parsimony": if there are 2 theories that account for the data then we should prefer the simpler theory (prefer one box model over a 2 box model.)
Evidence for the more complex 2- box model:
a single dissociation (e.g a variable has an effect on one task/process but not the other: A influences X but not Y) ( dissociates two forms, has an effect on one task but not the other )
Evidence for the more complex 2- box model:
A double dissociation would provide very strong evidence (e.g., A influences X but not Y, and B influences Y but not X)
Evidence for the more complex 2- box model:
A crossover dissociation would also provide evidence (e.g, A increases X and decreases Y ) ( one variable that does the opposite)
The serial position curve
Probability of recall as a function of study (or serial) position