Weather - refers to the conditions of the lower atmosphere.
Sun and Earth as they travel together in space. These two phenomena are seasons and eclipses
Seasons - is the change that occurs on earth due to the changing position of the sun relative to the equator.
Climate - the long term-weather conditions in a region has been given another name
Climate - a state of the atmosphere with respect to heat or cold in a long period of time
Solstice - the moment in the year when the sun's apparent path is farthest north or south from Earth's equator
Solar eclipse - phenomenon that occurs when a portion of the earth is engulfed in a shadow cast by the moon which fully or partially blocks sunlight
Eclipses - the darkening or dimming of one celestial object by another
Season - the period of the year with a particular kind of weather or climate
There are 4 climatic types in the Philippines
The earth is tilted by 23 1/2° from the vertical
Equinox - it is when the sun is directly overhead at the equator, days and nights have 12 hours each
Lunar eclipses are even rarer. Sometimes not even one of the 12 full moons coincides with a lunar eclipse.
One problem is the fact that the retina does not feel pain, so people will not know their retina has been burned until they noticed a blank spot in their sight
Penumbra and Umbra - are the two Parts of the shadow of an ecplise
Penumbra - a lighter outer part
Umbra - a dark inner part
Public Storm Warning Signals - A system that gauges the strength of any weather disturbance and alerts the public of it's possible effects
PSWS#1 - Winds of 30-60kph may be expected in atleast 36 hours or intermittent rains may be expected within 36 hours
PSWS#2 - Winds greater than 60kph UpTo 100 kph may be expected in at least 24 hours
PSWS#3 - winds greater than 100kph up to 185kph may be expected in atleast 18 hours
Sun disk - is completely covered by the moon
PSWS#4 - very strong winds of more than 185 kph may be expected in at least 13 hours
SummerSolstice - The most northern position of 23 1/2°N in the Northern Hemisphere
Winter Solstice - the southernmost position or 23 1/2°S in the Northern Hemisphere
Observations like these are behind such common expressions as: "A young woman might be as fickle as the weather" and "Angbuhayayweather-weather lang."
WeatherCondition - sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, stormy---may change day after day