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Cards (27)

  • Nose
    acts as a filter to moisten and warm the entering air
  • Pharynx
    Serves as a food and air passageway
  • Larnyx
    Voice box. Location of the vocal cords
  • Epiglottis
    Flap of cartilage that automatically covers the opening of the larynx during swallowing
  • Trachea
    The windpipe. Passageway of air to the bronchi
  • Bronchus
    Two branches that carry air from the trachea to the lungs
  • Bronchioles
    smallest subdivision of the bronchial tree
  • Lungs
    two sponge-like organs in the chest cavity
  • Pleura
    serous membrane covering each lung and lining the chest cavity
  • Diaphragm
    muscular partition that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity
  • Mediastinum
    space between the lungs that contain the heart, esophagus, trachea and others
  • When we inhale, or inspire, air enters the body through the nose via 

    the external nasal nares (nostrils)
  • This cavity is lined with a mucous membrane and fine hairs called
    cilia that filter out foreign bodies (such as dust and pollen)
  • paranasal sinuses
    are hollow, air spaces in the skull that join up with the nasal cavity.
  • The singular form of nostrils, or nares,
    is naris.
  • Five hundred cubic feet of air passes through
    the nasal cavities every 24 hours.
  • nasopharynx
    is nearest the nasal cavity and contains the adenoids.
  • The vocal cords have a slit between them called the
  • Sound is produced as air moves out of the lungs, through the___ , causing vibration.
  • Some of these rings make up the thyroid cartilage forming the projection called the 

    Adam's apple
  • is the largest cartilage ring in the larynx.
    The Adam's apple
  • The trachea divides into two branches called the 

  • The smallest of the bronchial branches are called
  • At the end of the bronchioles are clusters ofair sacs called
  • Each lung is covered by a membrane called the
  • The outer layer nearest to the ribs is
    parietal Papleura
  • The two lungs are in the
    thoracic or chest cavity