AC 3.2 Evaluation of Individualistic Theories

Cards (27)

  • What are the four types of Individualistic theories?
    Learning, Psychodynamic, Personality & Cognitive
  • What is one strength of the learning theory (Skinner)?
    -based on scientific and objective findings
    -Skinner's study = observing rats in a box, pulled a lever and received food they would repeat (positive reinforcement)
    -less likely to repeat if they got shocked (punishment)
    -this data can be used to suggest criminality is learned
  • What is one weakness of the learning theory (Skinner)?
    -the findings may not be generalized to human beings and criminal behaviour
    -Skinner used rats which do not have the same mindset as a human being
  • What is one strength of the learning theory (Sutherland)?
    -Research to support his claims of differential association
    -Farrington - anti-social behaviour in 411 men in London & 45% went on to commit crime.
    -crime in the family was one of the common traits which suggested that exposure to criminal behaviour does influence people to commit crime = validity
  • What is one weakness of the learning theory (Sutherland &Bandura)?
    -could be argued as too deterministic
    -Just because someone is exposed to criminal behaviour, doesn't mean they will go on to commit crime
    -they have morals and know right from wrong
  • What is one strength of the learning theory (Bandura)?
    -considers that we learn from the experiences of others and not just our own
    -Bandura's study = the children learned their behaviour by observing the adults and did not have to learn through their own experiences
  • What is one weakness of the learning theory (Bandura)?
    -could be argued as not valid as participants were observed in a lab under research conditions
    -this leads to people exhibiting demand characteristics as they know they are being watched.
  • What is one strength of the learning theory (Bandura - role models)?

    -shows the importance of role-models in shaping criminal behaviour .
    -role models = people who are similar to the observer in some way (gender) and of a higher status (older)
  • What is one strength of the psychodynamic theory (Freud 1)?
    - Freud's study highlights the importance of early socialization and family relationships
    -Stable socialization will lead to a child developing a normal superego, stopping them acting on their ID and ego meaning they are less likely to commit crimes
  • What is one weakness of the psychodynamic theory (Freud 1)?
    -no evidence that the unconscious mind exists
    -difficult to scientifically prove its existence
    -lacking in validity
  • What is another strength of the psychodynamic theory (Freud 2)?
    -Some impact on policies in relation to dealing with crime
    -Freud's theory influenced psychoanalysis which involves gaining access to a person's unconscious thoughts
    -focus on providing children with good role models so they have an adequately developed super-ego to prevent crime
    -gives a practical solution in dealing with crime, using the theory to understand why people commit crimes.
  • What is another weakness of the psychodynamic theory (Freud 2)?
    -argued to be deterministic
    -poor socialization does not always lead to criminal behaviour
    -may not commit crimes due to morals, fear and personal aspirations
  • What is one strength of the psychodynamic theory (Bowlby)?
    -supported by his study
    -44 thieves study found that criminals were more likely to have affectionless psychopathy compared to non-criminals as a result of maternal deprivation (39% vs 5%)
    -suggests validity to the theory
  • What is one weakness of the psychodynamic theory (Bowlby)?
    -suggests other reasons for criminal behaviour
    -doesn't explain why the other 61% of thieves committed crimes, meaning we can't generalize upon his work
  • What is another weakness of the psychodynamic theory (Bowlby 2)?
    -it was a retrospective study so offenders and their mothers had to recall past events from years ago
    -problematic as their memories might not be clear which means this study might lack validity
  • What is one strength of the cognitive theory (PICTS)?
    -led to real life application & PICTS
    -Self-report survey in which criminals can be measured according to their cognitive thinking style and therefore, an understanding of their criminal behaviour & triggers can be established.
  • What is one weakness of the cognitive theory (control group)?
    -both Yochelson and Samenow & Kohlberg failed to use control groups to measure if non-criminals made the same thinking errors
    -it is important to use a control group because you need a group to compare your findings to, meaning we can't generalize upon his study
  • What is another strength of the cognitive theory (CBT)?
    -treatments like CBT have been developed with the idea that criminal thinking can be corrected
    -this is useful because it doesn't just provide an explanation to criminal behaviour but also how to deal with criminals and reduce their behaviour.
  • What is another weakness of the cognitive theory (representation)?
    -samples used in studies were not very representative
    -their were no women and most men were in a psychiatric hospital (Yochelson &Samenow)
    -This means the findings cannot be generalized upon the wider society
  • What is a third strength of the cognitive theory (Kohlberg)?
    -studies have shown delinquents have an immature moral development as Kohlberg's study suggests
    -this means the cognitive theory has reliability
  • What is a third weakness of the cognitive theory (deterministic) ?

    -argued to be deterministic
    -Kohlberg's study suggests that immoral thinking will led to immoral behaviour
    -However, a person may think immorally but may not necessarily act immorally so they do not go on to commit crimes.
  • What is one strength of the personality theory (surveys)?
    -can measure criminality through surveys
    -asking respondents to fill out questionnaire's such as the EPQ allows criminals traits to be measured to predict the likelihood of a person becoming a criminal?
  • What is one weakness of the personality theory?
    -reliant of self report surveys like the EPQ
    -someone may not answer truthfully because they might be embarrassed and want to achieve social reliability
    -lacks validity
  • What is another strength of the personality theory (further evidence)?
    -supports link between personality and criminality
    -Rushton & Christjohn's study - compared E, P, N scores with self-reports of delinquency in students
    -found that students who reported higher levels of delinquency also scored high on the E,P,N
    -personality theory ahs reliability
  • What is another weakness of the personality theory (causation/correlation)?
    -difficult to determine is personality does cause criminality or it is just a correlation
    -Rushton & Christjohn found a positive correlation between delinquency and the EPQ but could not conclude causation
    -may influence not cause criminality
  • What is third strength of the personality theory (practical use)?
    -practical use for the theory in controlling criminal behaviour
    -by understanding a persons personality, policies can be introduced to control their stimulation such as aversion therapy so crime can be controlled
  • What is a third weakness of the personality (deterministic)?

    -argued to be too deterministic
    -their scan be argued because just because someone has a high E and N score doesn't necessarily mean they will go on to commit crimes due to morals, upbringing and fear