
Cards (8)

  • Syntax
    • Study of structure of language
    • relate surface form (phonology & words) to semantics
    • independent of semantics
    • = sentences can be gramatical but lack meaning
    • or be ungramatical but have meaning
  • Hierarchical structure for syntax
    • sentences not linear arrangment of words
    • organized hierarchically = smaller units forming larger ones = constituents
  • Constituents
    • smaller units within a sentence(/ group of words) that function as cohesive elements (unit)
    • can include words, phrases, or clauses that group together to form larger syntactic units
    • can overlap
  • Syntactic node

    • point in syntactic structure where phrases or words connected or grouped together
    • syntactic tree diagram = nodes represent different constituents or units of sentence
  • Hierarchical structure for syntax - surface VS deep structure
    • Chomsky
    • surface structure = actual arangment of words in sentence
    • deep structure = represents underlying hierarchical organisation of sentence's meaning
  • Constituents of a sentence - how to determine - Substitution test
    • replace sequence of words with single word or phrase, (pro-form - pronoun or single-word substitute)
    • = to see if resulting sentence remains grammatical & semantically coherent
    • maintains grammaticality & meaning of original sentence = replaced sequence likely constituent
  • Constituents of a sentence - how to determine - stand alone test
    • isolating group of words from rest of sentence & determining if isolated group can stand alone as complete & grammatically correct unit
    • can = likely constituent
  • Phase structure diagrams
    • Parsing: breaking sentence into its component parts & indicating relationships between components
    • Phase structure diagrams - show hierarchical relations between constituents