Bacteriology & Sensitivity

Cards (12)

  • Agar plates should be stored in the fridge (-5oC) before use
  • Nutrient agar is suitable for growing E.coli
  • Salmonella can be cultured on selentine broth
  • Sabouraud's agar can be used to grow fungi
  • Sabouruads agar changes from yellow to red in the presence of a pathogne
  • Quadrant streak method can be used to inoculate an agar plate
  • Methylene blue belongs to a simple group of stains
  • Gram negative bacteria stains pink/red
  • Gram positive bacteria stains purple/blue
  • Ziehl-Neelson stain can be used to identify Mycobacterium spp.
  • Using Ziehl-Neelson staining, acid fast bacteria stains red
  • During antimicrobial sensitivity testing an agar plate should be incubated for 18-24 hours