Cards (8)

  • Mkt structure
    1. 1 firm = monopoly
    2. few firms = oligopoly
    3. many firms
    diff product = monopolistic comp
    identical product = perfect comp
  • A firm's SR supply decision
    P is determined by the mkt
    For a perfectly competitive firm P=MR
    A profit maximising firm produces where MR=MC (P=MR=MC) (derived from profit function)
    The firm will only produce if the price lies above its SAVC curve and only covers all their costs if it is at least equal to its SATC curve
    Many buyers and sellers
    Homogeneous goods (identical)
    Perfect info
    Free entry and exit
  • Eff -> lack of externalities              
    IF overproduce, - externalities        
    IF underproduce, +externalities
    They don't internalise the externality they impose on society through their production of the goods.
  • Perfect Competition Graph
    AR = Average Revenue                                             
    MR = Marginal Revenue                                           
    AC/ATC = Average (Total) Cost                           e.g.
    MC = Marginal Cost                                              Profit maximising output is Q=75 and corresponding price is P=1.75
    TR = P x Q
    AR = P
    MR = dTR/ dQ
  • SR eqm of a competitive firm
    1. Supernormal/ abnormal profit (ec profit > 0)                     
    2. Normal profit (ec profit = 0)
    3. Losses/ subnormal profit (ec profit < 0)
  • Shut down rule
    TR<SVC or P<SAVC
  • Supply curve :
    LR = LMC, LAC
  • Productive eff
    Goods and serv r prod at their lower cost. Points on PPF r productively efficient.
    Allocative eff
    Not possible to make someone better off without making someone else worse off
    Produce P = MC, at this output lv sum of CS and PS is max.
    Implies a pt on PPF which the combi of goods represents what the society desires most.
    Perfectly competitive mkt achieve both
    Firms prod on average cost curves, based on lowest cost combi of inputs and therefore achieving prod eff.
    Prod at the output lv P=MC. At this output lv the sum of CS and PS is max.