Cards (12)

  • National Security Priorities
    • Human/Personal Security
    Refers to the state of being safe from danger or harm. It is the protection of oneself and one's property from threats such as theft,
    violence or cyber attacks.
  • Cultural Security
    A philosophy and a way of operating that ensures all individuals and groups are treated with regard to their unique cultural needs and
  • Food Security
    Food security is defined as “a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”
  • Economic/Financial Security
    The condition of having stable income or Other resources to support a standard of living now and in the foreseeable future. It includes:
    probable continued solvency. predictability of the future cash flow of a person or other economic entity such as a country
  • Environment and Resources Security
    Environmental security is protectedness of natural environment and vital interests of citizens, society, the state from internal and external impacts, adverse processes and trends in development that threaten human health, biodiversity and sustainable functioning of ecosystems, and survival of humankind.
  • Energy Security
    the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price. Energy security has many aspects: long-term energy security
    mainly deals with timely investments to supply energy in line with economic developments and
  • Cybersecurity
    is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users via ransomware; or interrupting normal business processes.
  • Military Security
    Implies the capability of a nation-state to
    defend itself, and/or deter military aggression.
    Alternatively, military security implies the
    capability of a nation-state to enforce its policy
    choices by use of military force.
  • Border Security
    Protecting our borders from the illegal
    movement of weapons, drugs, contraband, and
    people, while promoting lawful trade and travel,
    is essential to homeland security, economic
    prosperity, and national sovereignty.
  • Disaster Security
    Cyberattacks, tech and equipment failures,
    natural disasters, and power outages are
    examples of disasters. The most important part
    of disaster recovery is having a safety plan in
    place that will help minimize disruption of
    business operations, customer frustration, data
    loss and expensive recovery costs
  • Information Security
    Protects sensitive information from
    unauthorized activities, including inspection,
    modification, recording, and any disruption or
    destruction. The goal is to ensure the safety
    and privacy of critical data such as customer
    account details, financial data or intellectual
  • Geostrategic Security
    Is about geostrategy and diplomacy that a
    nation may follow for maximising overall
    national security by governance.