All cells are surrounded by a cell surface membrane which controls the exchange of materials between the internal cell environment and the external environment
The membrane is described as being ‘partially permeable’
The cell membrane is formed from a phospholipid bilayer of phospholipids spanning a diameter of around 10 nm
Diagram of animal cell:
Plant cell diagram :
What do plant cells contain that animal cells don't ?
cellulose cell wall
plasmodesmata (channels for exchanging substances with adjacent cells)
vacuole (compartment that contains cell sap)
(you may see starch grains in plant cells but they are not organelles. Plants use starch grains to store excess sugars)
algal and fungal cells:
algal cells = a lot like plant cells - they have all the same organelles including a cell wall and chloroplasts
Fungal cells = a lot like plant cells but have 2 key differences = their cell walls are made of chitin not cellulose and they don't have chloroplasts (don't photosynthesize)
Eukaryotic cells =
complex - including animal and plant cells and all cells in algae and fungi
Nucleus :
large organelle surrounded by a double membrane (nuclear envelope) which has many pores
Nuclear pores are important channels for allowing mRNA and ribosomes to travel out of the nucleus, as well as allowing enzymes (eg. DNA polymerases) and signaling molecules to travel in
Controls the cells activities by controlling the transcription of DNA
The nucleus contains chromatin (the material from which chromosomes are made)
Chromosomes are made of sections of linear DNA tightly wound around proteins called histones
‘nucleolus’ (plural: nucleoli) are the sites of ribosome production
Mitochondria :
The site of aerobic respiration within eukaryotic cells, mitochondria are just visible with a light microscope
Surrounded by double-membrane with the inner membrane folded to form cristae
The matrix formed by the cristae contains enzymes needed for aerobic respiration, where ATP is produced
Small circular pieces of DNA (mitochondrial DNA) and ribosomes are also found in the matrix (needed for replication)
Found in large numbers in cells that ae very active and require a lot of energy
Small, flattened structure found in plant and algal cells
surrounded by a double membrane and also has membranes inside called thylakoid membranes.
these membranes are stacked up in some parts of the chloroplast to form grana
Grana are linked together by lamellae - thin, flat pieces of thylakoid membrane
the site where photosynthesis takes place - some parts of photosynthesis happen in the grana and other parts happen in the stroma ( a thick fluid found in chloroplasts)
Golgi Apparatus:
a group of fluid-filled membrane- bound flattened sacs
Vesicles are often seen at the edges of the sacs
It processes and packages new lipids and proteins
it also makes lysosomes
Golgi Vesicles :
a small fluid-filled sac in the cytoplasm, surrounded by a membrane and produced by the Golgi apparatus
stores lipids and proteins made by the Golgi apparatus and transports them out of the cell (via the cell-surface membrane)
specialist forms of vesicles , a round organelle surrounded by a membrane - no clear internal structure
Contains hydrolytic enzymes. These are kept separate from the cytoplasm by the surrounding membrane, and can be used to digest invading cells or to break down worn out components of the cell/ organelles.
a very small organelle that is found freely in the cytoplasm of all cells or is attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells
Each ribosome is made of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins
Its not surrounded by a membrane
80S ribosomes are found in eukaryotic cells
70S ribosomes are found in prokaryotes, mitochondria and chloroplasts
Site of translation (protein synthesis)
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)
a system of membranes enclosing a fluid-filled space called cisternae
the surface is covered with ribosomes
folds and processes proteins that have been made at the ribosomes
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER):
similar to rough endoplasmic reticulum (formed from a network of flattened membrane bound sacs called cisternae), but with no ribosomes
synthesizes and processes lipids & steroids
most cells contain less smooth ER compared to rough ER
Cell wall:
Cell walls are formed outside of the cell membrane is a rigid structure offering structural support to cell in plants, algae and fungi
The cell wall is freely permeable to most substances (unlike the plasma membrane
Structural support is provided by the polysaccharide cellulose in plants and algae.
In fungi its made of chitin
Narrow threads of cytoplasm (surrounded by a cell membrane) called plasmodesmata connect the cytoplasm of neighboring plant cells
Cell Vacuole:
a membrane-bound organelle found in the cytoplasm of plant cells
It contains cell sap - a weak solution of sugar and salts
The surrounding membrane is called the tonoplast
Helps to maintain pressure inside the cell and keep the cell rigid
This stops plants wilting
Also involved in the isolation of unwanted chemicals inside the cell