The episodic buffer integrates all types of data processed by the other stores (e.g auditory, visual, spatial) and so is described as the storage component of the central executive, as well as being crucial for linking STM to LTM
Episodic buffer - The component of the WMM that brings together material from the other subsystems into a single memory rather than separate strands
It also provides a bridge between working memory and long-term memory
Episodic buffer:
Temporary store for information, integrating the visual, spatial and verbal information processed by other stores and maintaining a sense of time sequencing
Basically recording events (episodes) that are happening
Episodic buffer: Capacity
Limited capacity of about 4 chunks (Baddeley, 2012)
Episodic buffer:
Seen as the storage component of the central executive and has a limited capacity of about four chunks
Episodic buffer:
Links working memory to long-term memory and wider cognitive processes such as perception
Episodic buffer: Baddeley (2000)
Episodic buffer: Baddeley (2000)
Added a third slave system, as the model needs a general store to operate properly
EB introduced to explain how it is possible to temporarily store information combined together from CE, the PL, VSS and LTM