Development Average birth weight of a Filipino newborn is 2.8 to 3kg (6 to 6.6 lbs)
It is followed by a rapid period of growth.
4 months old = it usually doubles in weight
1 year = tripled its birth weight.
2 years = the weight has quadrupled.
Dendrites, or branching extensions that collect information from other neurons, will undergo a period of exuberance.
Synaptogenesis, the formation of connections between neurons
connections between neurons are synapses
This period of rapid neural growth is referred to as Synaptic Blooming
SynapticPruning, where neural connections are reduced thereby making those that are used much stronger.
Myelin Sheath, a coating of fatty tissues around the axon of the neuron
Primarymotor areas develop earlier than primary sensory areas
most of the neural activity is occurring in the Cortex, or the thin outer covering of the brain involved in voluntary activity and Thinking
Prefrontal cortex, located behind the forehead, is the least developed.
Lateralization: process where different functions become localized primarily brain hemisphere
Neuroplasticity: brain’s ability to change (physically & chemically), to enhance adaptability to environment, & to compensate for an injury
Motor development occurs in an orderly sequence.
Rooting stroking of the infant's cheek
Gripping is something that is placed in the infant's hand
Toecurling is stroking the inner or outer sole of the infant's foot
Moroorstartle is sudden noise or movement that startles the person.
Galant is stroking of the infant's lower back, next to spinal cord
Gross Motor Skills:
voluntary movements use of large muscle groups
typically large movements of the arms, legs, head, and torso.
Fine Motor Skills:
more precise movements (use smaller muscle groups) of the hands, fingers, & wrist.
Newborns cannot see 8 to 16 inches away
2 or 3 months seek more detail when exploring an object visually
2 to 4 months discrimination between colors as well as do adults
6 months the infant can perceive deth reception in pictures
Immediately after birth, a newborn is sensitive to touch and temperature, and is also highly sensitive to pain, responding with crying and cardiovascular responses
Newborns can distinguish between sour, bitter, sweet, and salty flavors & show a preference for sweet flavors.
Smell Newborns prefer the smell of their mothers. 6 days old: Turn toward its own mother’s breast pad
Bed-sharing, or co-sleeping, is a decision made based on family customs, environmental conditions, and culture
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): identified when the death of a healthy infant occurs suddenly and unexpectedly, and medical and forensic investigation findings (including an autopsy) are inconclusive.
AccidentalSuffocation & StrangulationinBed: Suffocation by soft bedding, another person rolling on top of or against the infant while sleeping, an infant being wedged between two objects
The answer to that question is that breastfeeding your child breast milk doesn’tincrease your child’s IQ.
Breastmilk helps to develop the baby’s growth & cognitive development
Simplereflexesfirstmonthoflife during this period the various reflexes that determine the infant's interactions with the world are at the center of its cognitive life
Firsthabits and primarycircular reactions 1 to 4 months begin to coordinate what were separate actions into single integrated activities
secondarycircular reactions 4 to 8 months infants take major strides in shifting their cognitive horizons beyond themselves and begin to act on the outside world
Coordinationofsecondarycircularreactions 8 to 12 months begin to us more calculated approaches to producing events coordinating several schemes to generate a single act.
Tertiarycircularreactions 12 to 18 months in infants develop what Piaget regards as the deliberate variation that bring desirable consequences
Beginningofthought18months to 2 years capacity for mental representation or symbolic thought
A critical milestone during the sensorimotor period. The understanding that even if something is out of sight, it still exists