impact on individuals, families and communities

Cards (27)

  • The issue has a significant impact on individuals, family and communities
  • The world event I have studied is the Russia and Ukraine conflict
  • The conflict began with the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, and has had a significant impact on the lives of individuals, families and communities within Ukraine
  • I will consider the impact it has with regards to casualties, forced migration, destruction of property and infrastructure, as well as the significant impact of children in the war
  • One way the Russia and Ukraine conflict has impacted individuals, families and communities is the high casualty rates
  • More than 9,000 civilians, including 500 children, have been killed since 24th February 2022
  • Due to unreliable sources, it is hard to determine the exact numbers of soldiers killed
  • Individuals, families and communities are affected socially by grief and loss
  • This may be compounded when there is evidence of torture or where a person witnesses a violent death, which may lead to mental and physical trauma
  • The world Issue I have Studdied is the Russia and Ukraine confict. The begun with the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, and has had a significant impact on the lives of individuals, famalies and communities within Ukraine.
  • I will Consider the impact it has with regards to casualties, forced migration, destruction of property and infastructure as well as the significant impact of chudren in the war.
  • More than 9,000 civilians, including 500 chudren have been killed Since the 24th February 2022. The us estimates between 15,000 and 17,000 Ukranian soldiers have been Killed as well as during the first 3 months of invasion Russia Lost 3,071 Profesional soldiers and 280 non-profesional.
  • Individuals, famales and Communities are affected socially by grief and loss
    This may lead to mental and Physical in health as a result of trauma
  • When the main earner or "breadwinner" is Killled
    They may experince poverty, it also Impacts upon a community if there are fewer people of working age
  • Around 174,000 People have moved to the uk under the ukraine family scheme anal the ukraine sponsorship scheme as of the 9th May 2023. The UNHCR estimated the number of refugees was just under 8 milion on 29th November, as well as the UN estimate around 5 million are internally displaced
  • Forced migration socially impacts individuals, famalies, and communities

    As people beame seperated from loved ones
  • Forced migration also impacts them econmically

    As they have to leave Jobs and houses behind. Many have found it difficult to get new jobs and housing in their new areas leading to poverty
  • Forced migration economically impacts communities
    As it leads to a lack of workers. This can have a Severe impact on some industries, in Particular, harvesting of wheat and Sunflowers in Ukraine has been affected by lack of agriculture workers
  • The Russian bombing has led to the destruction of property, especially in the East of ukraine and the border regions. The UN estimate that around 1.2 million homes Within Ukraine have been destroyed.
  • Destruction of property socially impacts individuals, famalies and communities
    As Citizens are unable to return to their cities when it physically Safe to do so meaning they are likely to stay displaced for longer, or to decide not to return
  • Destruction of property economically impacts individuals, families and communities
    As they have to face the cost of rebuilding their homes as damages to housing was estimated at over $50 billion as of September 2022
  • Russia has bombed many parts of the road, multiple power buildings meaning the military action has stopped as it causes a distraction to them. The impact of the destruction of property on individuals, families and communities has been Significant.
  • Destruction of infrastructure socially impacts individuals, families and communities
    As Cities may quickly become unhabitable, in winter without any power, Waterpipes are Likely to burst without heat in the house Which could take years to repair leading to forced migration or evacuation, as well Hospitals cant function normally without power Meaning vulnerable groups, such Elderly, disabled and young Children are Likely to be affected by energy loss
  • Destruction of infrastructure economically impacts individuals, families and communities
    As Critical Infrastructure is required for business production will quickly fall as the Cost of repairing infrastructure is very high as it estimated the current repair bill is over $100 billion and is increasing rapidly. This will have a lasting impact on Ukraine's economic recovery
  • Several hundred of children are dead due to the Conflict as well as 400 children are missing .As well as this 2 out of 3 children are having to leave their house and are witnessing horrible attacks due to this 60% of children will experience PTSD and 10% will end up needing treatment.
  • The impact on children in the war
    Individuals, families and communities are impacted severely as the child will be impacted horrifically and could even end up With trauma for the rest of their life as they have witnessed rocket fires and artillery attacks meaning they have been ripped from the chance of having a normal life which could make them feel lonely and be Socially excluded
  • The Russian and Ukraine conflict has impacted individuals, families and communities Significantly due to the impact of casualties, destruction of property and infrastructure, forced migration and children in the war. As almost everyone from Ukraine has either been effected directly or know of others who have been effected