The currency which the financial statements of an entity are presented.
Can be different from FC if the entity is a foreign owned subsidiary. May have to present its FS in the currency of the parent.
Functional Currency
The currency of the primary economic environment which the entity operates.
Usually the currency which the majority of an entity's transactions take place.
Factors to be considered when deciding FC:
Currency that mainly influences sales prices for goods/ services
Currency that mainly influences labour, material and other costs of providing goods/ services.
Settled transactions
Exchange differences happen when transactions are not settledimmediately
When transaction is settled the payment or receipt is translated using the exchange rate on the settlement date.
Any difference between initial value and settlement value is taken to the statement of profit or loss.
Trading transactions - presented in other operatingincome and expenses
Non-trading transactions - presented within interestreceivable
Unsettled transactions
When a transaction is unsettled at the reporting date the accounting treatment will be determined by whether the outstanding asset or liability is a monetary or non-monetary item.
Monetary items
to be settled by the receipt or payment of cash e.g. receivables, payables
Re-translated using the exchange rate at the report date, to reflect the FV of the asset or liability - any difference is taken to the statement of profit or loss.
Non-monetary items
give no rights or obligations to receive or pay cash e.g. inventory, plant and machinery.
Carried at their historic rate.
Translated at rate applying to date of purchase - trade payable set up
Gain/Loss on exchange is recognised in IncomeStatement
Outstanding amount at y/e recognised in Statement of comprehensiveincome
Trade payable adjusted to y/e amount.
Translated at rate applying to date of sale - trade receivable set up
Gain/loss on exchange recognised in Statement of comprehensive income
Balance outstanding at y/e recognised in Statement of comprehensive income
Recording after Y/E
Trade payables settled and cash received from trade receivables
at each transaction date the rate applicable to the date used