people of different race , ethnicity , religion, nationality
socio-economic diversity
people of different socio-economic backgrounds due to different levels of education, income and wealth
factors that shape identity
race and ethnicity
socio-economic status
relationship between identity & diversity
diversity in societies exist due to people's unique identities
why are our identities different?
it is influenced by age, background, race , religion , social-economic status and etc
factors of our identity
values system
factor that shapes identity: race and ethnicity
Race refers to biologicalclassification of people, which includes their physicalcharacteristics. - skin colour , eye structure etc
Ethnicity is based on the culture of a group of people who share the same ancestry, customs and traditions that distinguish them from other groups in society. - javanese and bugis ( malay race )
In Southeast Asia, different ethnic groups have unique customs, traditions & languages.
People can have different races but same ethnicity / ethnicity but same race or both the same race and ethnicity
ethnicity effect on us
-> belonging to an ethnic group will influence our life
Singapore's society is both socio-culturally and socio-economically diverse, this diversity can bring people close together and lead to tension and conflict , which is why it is important to consider how to respond to these situations
Race and ethnicity in SG
CMIO categorisation is used in Group Representation Constituency ( GRC ) & Ethnic Integration Policy ( EIP )
However, there is some criticism on the relevancy of CMIO
Group Representation Constituency (GRC)
atleast 1 member of parliament in a constituency is from minorityracialcommunity to ensure the interests of the minority group are represented
Ethnic Integration Policy (EIP)
mix of various ethnic groups in each public housing to ensure no ethnicenclave to encourage interaction between races to foster relationships
ethnic enclave
An ethnic enclave is a geographical area where a particular ethnic group is spatially clustered and socially and economically distinct from the majority group.
Complexities and Issues around Race and Ethnicity
reflect the growing diversity of Singapore's society-
due to the increasing number of inter-ethnic marriages in SG, double-baralled race option is implemented on the children born to parents of different races where parents choose 2/4 races to be declared as child's race.'
Factor that shapes identity: Religion
organised collection of attitudes, beliefs, practices, worldviews and often involve worship of god(s), usually have narrative to explain origins of life. many religions promote compassion, love & respect.
Factor that shapes identity : Religion
Believers keep to the beliefs & practices of their religion regardless of race , ethnicity or nationality which influences their thinking and the choices they make & interactions with others
Inter-religionorganisations are important to ensurepeace amongst the religions
Religious Festival : Qing Ming
-> Taoist / Buddhist festival : remember ancestors
Religious Festival : Hari Raya Puasa
-> Muslim festival : celebrate end of fasting month
Religious Festival : Good Friday
-> Christian Festival : commemorate the crucification of Jesus Christ
Religious Festival : Deepavali
-> Hindu Festival : celebrates spiritual victory of good over evil
Factor that shapes Identity : Socio-economic status
economic situation shared by a group of people measured by occupation , housing , income & education
socio-economic status in SG
individual/householdincome level is used as an indicator
household income
totalsum of income of all working people in family
Socio-economic status may shape life experience as it affects the choice of housing, food , entertainment , activities which thus may influence the people an individual interacts with. due to differentexperiences of individuals, this shapes their identity
Socio-economic status scale
Lower SES -> Middle SES -> Higher SES
Lower & Higher SES - is it permanent? mobility can occur
social mobility : movement between socio-economicstatus from lower to higher or higher to lower
Ways to aid Singaporeans with low SES: Financial Help
As people of different nationality come to singapore, they bring their distinctidentities and practices unique to their country of origin which contribute to singapore's diversity. e.g increasingchoice of cuisines in SG as more are present in SG