In "The Hate U Give," Starr Carter is an INTERESTING character. AngieThomaseffectivelyexploresvarious themes. The storyexplores the contrastbetweenblackandwhitecommunities, discrimination, and policeviolencethroughStarrCarter'sperspective.
Start of the PLOT paragraph
The Hate U Give is an INTERESTING novelthatexploresStarr'schallenges. It shows the discrimination in the justicesystem. The story'saroundStarr'sinvolvementinKhalil'smurder, her experiences at a whiteschoolandfighting for justice.
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Starr is selfless.Sheputsothersbeforeherself, includingherolderhalfbrotherSeven, herlittlebrotherSekani, herfriendKenya, andDeVante, amemberoftheKing Lords gang.Sheiswillingtostandupforwhatisright.
First part of the JUXTAPOSITION paragraph
In the book, Thomasusesjuxtaposition to highlight the differencesbetweenStarr'sbehaviour, vocabulary, and appearanceintwodifferentsettings.Thisshows the struggleshefaces in findinghertrue self.
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In the text, the authorshows the character as code-switchingbetweentheblackcommunity she livesinand the whitecommunityshegoes to school in. Thisserves as a wayforhertoprotectherself.
Start of the CHARACTERISATION paragraph
In the book, Starr'spersonality and sense of powerchange as she goesthroughvariousexperiences. The authorusescharacterisation to makeStarr'scharacter, showing her braverywhen she introduces her boyfriendChris to her ghetto self.
"It'sgonnatakeahellofalottaboldnesstoputmyselfoutthereforKhalil.Like "Ioncetoldmymilitantblackdaddyaboutmywhiteboyfriend" kindaboldness.IfIcan'tstanduptomydadaboutChris, howcan I stand up for Khalil?"
Start of the CONFLICT paragraph
The plot focuses on Starr'sability to handleconflict, making her an INTERESTING character. The conflicts stem from friendships and a biased justice system.Starrconfronts her friend Haileyabout her insensitivecomments about Khalil'stragedy. A physicalfightarisesfrom this.
CONFLICT Paragraph Quote
"I moveMayaoutthewayandslammyfistagainstthesideofHailey'sface.Ithurts, butdamnitfeelsgood."
End of CONFLICT paragraph
In the text, the impact of Hailey'swords on Starr is highlighted, showing how deeply they affectedher.Thewritingallowsthereader to easilyempathise with Starr'sthoughtsandfeelings.
Throughout The Hate U Give, StarrCarter is an INTERESTING character. The author's use of variousliteraryelementsbrings to life a teenagerfacingchallengingcircumstances. When her bestfriend is murdered, she fights to reveal the truth to the world, even at the cost of her ownwell-being.