Visiblelight telescopes penetrate the atmosphere, radio waves and light
There’s two kinds of telescopes reflecting vs refracting
refracting telescopes require large lenses to be precisely manufacture
Due to manufacturing restrictions of refracting telescopes, they relatively have smaller openings for viewing, which leads to diffraction and poor resolution
Reflecting telescopes use large mirrors at the back of the telescope that can be easily supported from behind since lightwon’t pass through it. A larger opening means lessdiffraction and moreresolution
High energy EMR (UV, x rays and y rays) behave more like particles (bullets) and generally don’t demonstrate the properties of diffraction patterns
Imagine the difference between “reflecting” a tennis ball of a wall vs a bullet
the ball would bounce off; the bullet would go through
however it is possible to “redirect” bullets if the angle of incidence is shallow enough
x ray telescopes use shallow angle mirrors to redirect x rays
The EMR we “see” using telescopes can tell more than what an object simply looks like
Temperature from continuous spectra
composition from absorption or emission spectra
Spectroscopy is the study of light after it has been “split” by either a prism or grating
When a gas is very hot (like in a star), it causes the electrons to bounce around their energy levels and give off different amounts of energy
moreheat = moretransitions = morecolors
If a substance is hot enough, it will emit visiblelightatallwavelengths
this is called a continuous spectrum
If a star is very hot, it emits more bluelight
it appears to be blueish-white
Our sun is a medium hot star
it appears more yellowish
Cooler stars will emit more red light
they appear more reddish
If we could observe the light coming from the sun‘s core it would show a continuous spectrum
As light moves through the sun’s cooler atmosphere, certain wavelengths are absorbed by the gases found there
remember to how ozone absorbs UVC
When the sun is looked at through a spectroscope, we see a continuous spectrum with some wavelengths missing
the missing wavelengths appear as dark lines called absorption lines
If lights passes through a cooler gas, then only certain wavelengths will be absorbed. the absorption spectrum for each element is unique
Absportionspectra are like finger prints for various elements
It’s possible to easily generate the opposite of an absorption spectrum by applying an electric current to a gas and observing which wavelengths are emitted
this is an emmision spectrum
The emission and absorption spectra have lines at identicalwavelengths. this means spectroscopes can be used to examine starlight and see what elements they’re made of
the Doppler shift
the reason for the shift is because the star is moving away from us
When an object is moving away from you, any emitted frequencies are more spread out (longer wavelength [smaller frequencies])
When an object is moving towards you,emitted frequencies are closertogether (shorter wavelengths [longer frequencies])
This well know phenomenon (Doppler shift) is the same reason that sirens have a higher pitch when coming towards you and a lower pitch when travelling away
When we look at any star, its spectra are always redshifted. Remember that the universe is always expanding
What makes some stars hotter than others? Why are some stars rich in helium but others have lots of heavier elements like carbon or iron?
the answer lies in the originalmassofgas and dust that forms the star at birth
A low density cloud of gas and dust in space is called a nebula
All stars start out as a nebula
As a nebula collapses, the immense heat and high pressure produces fusion reaction (stars shine because of the nuclear fusion)
larger star will produce larger elements and have different life cycles
Low mass star (significantly smaller than our sun) become white dwarfs
Less than 1.4x the mass of the sun
The process:
gas and dust (nebula)
lowmass star
Intermediate mass stars (like our Sun) become a neutron star
gas and dust (nebula)
intermediate mass star
Supergiant star
neutron star
High mass stars (significantly bigger than our sun) become dense black holes