11th November 1918 - Armistice signed,ending the First World War
June 1919 - The Treaty of Versailles was signed
1921 - Poland invades Vilna; The Aaland Islands Crisis
August 1923 - The Corfu Crisis
October 1925 - The Greek - Bulgarian dispute
October - December 1925 - the Locarno Treaties
October 1929 - Wall Street Crash leads to global depression
September 1931 - the Mukden; the Japanese army invades Manchuria
January 1933 - Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
October 1933 - Hitler leaves the Disarmament Conference
July 1934 - Nazi Party in Austria assassinates the Austrian Chancellor, Dollfuss
January 1935 - the Saar Plebiscite
March 1935 - Hitler announces that he has built up the Luftwaffe and that the conscription will be introduced to build up the German army
June 1935 - the Anglo - German naval Treaty
October 1935 - Mussolini invades Abyssinia
March 1936 - remilitarisation of the Rhineland
October 1936 - the Rome - Berlin Axis is agreed
November 1936 - the Anti-Comintern Pact between Germany and Japan is agreed
March 1938 - Hitler invades Austria to achieve Anschluss
September 1938 - Chamberlain meets Hitler to discuss the Sudentenland
August 1939 - The Nazi - Soviet Pact is signed
September 1939 - Hitler invades Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany
Big 3: George Clemenceau (FR) David Lloyd-George (BR),Woodrow Wilson (USA)
Clemenceau wanted Germany to pay reparations to rebuild areas of Fr. Wanted revenge for Fr people lost.Wanted German border pushed back to the Rhine to make French people feel safer.
DLG - Cautious approach, Br public wanted Ger punished but DLG feared this would to lead to German revenge. Wanted to keep Germany strong to act as a buffer to Communism from the East. Wanted Naval Supremacy
WW - Wanted fair peace to stop German revenge. Proposed the 14 Points,including the LofN, self - determination and freedom of the seas;but the American public didnt want to be involved in European affairs again