History The Inter - War Years (1918-1939)

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  • 11th November 1918 - Armistice signed,ending the First World War
  • June 1919 - The Treaty of Versailles was signed
  • 1921 - Poland invades Vilna; The Aaland Islands Crisis
  • August 1923 - The Corfu Crisis
  • October 1925 - The Greek - Bulgarian dispute
  • October - December 1925 - the Locarno Treaties
  • October 1929 - Wall Street Crash leads to global depression
  • September 1931 - the Mukden; the Japanese army invades Manchuria
  • January 1933 - Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
  • October 1933 - Hitler leaves the Disarmament Conference
  • July 1934 - Nazi Party in Austria assassinates the Austrian Chancellor, Dollfuss
  • January 1935 - the Saar Plebiscite
  • March 1935 - Hitler announces that he has built up the Luftwaffe and that the conscription will be introduced to build up the German army
  • June 1935 - the Anglo - German naval Treaty
  • October 1935 - Mussolini invades Abyssinia
  • March 1936 - remilitarisation of the Rhineland
  • October 1936 - the Rome - Berlin Axis is agreed
  • November 1936 - the Anti-Comintern Pact between Germany and Japan is agreed
  • March 1938 - Hitler invades Austria to achieve Anschluss
  • September 1938 - Chamberlain meets Hitler to discuss the Sudentenland
  • August 1939 - The Nazi - Soviet Pact is signed
  • September 1939 - Hitler invades Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany
  • Big 3: George Clemenceau (FR) David Lloyd-George (BR),Woodrow Wilson (USA)
  • Clemenceau wanted Germany to pay reparations to rebuild areas of Fr. Wanted revenge for Fr people lost.Wanted German border pushed back to the Rhine to make French people feel safer.
  • DLG - Cautious approach, Br public wanted Ger punished but DLG feared this would to lead to German revenge. Wanted to keep Germany strong to act as a buffer to Communism from the East. Wanted Naval Supremacy
  • WW - Wanted fair peace to stop German revenge. Proposed the 14 Points,including the LofN, self - determination and freedom of the seas;but the American public didnt want to be involved in European affairs again