behavioural explanations of phobias

Cards (6)

  • phobia: excessive fear + anxiety unproportional to stimulus
  • two-process model: howbart mower
    • phobias acquired by classical conditioning (e.g little albert) and continue due to operant conditioning
    • more often we experience fear the more we avoid it (negative reinforcement)
    • more we avoid stimulus, less fear (positive reinforcement)
  • good explanatory power ✅
    • explained maintenance of phobias
    • explains why exposure should be used as prevented from avoidance
  • some phobias don't follow trauma 🚫
    • doesn't explain phobias without triggering event
  • inability to explain cognitive aspects of phobias 🚫
    • two process model - key behaviour is avoidance of phobic stimulus
    • they are not just avoidance, irrational beliefs also contribute
    • model does not completely explain symptoms of phobias
  • ignores evolution reductionist 🚫
    • seligman = biological preparedness = predisposition to have certain fears
    • phenomenon is preparedness