cognitive explanations of depression

Cards (7)

  • beck's cognitive theory
    • faulty information processing: think in black + white + dwell on the bad
    • negative self schema
    • negative triad - view of world, future + self
  • ellis' ABC model
    • A = activating event
    • B = irrational beliefs 'musturbation' = perfectionism, 'utopianism' = everything should be fair
    • C = consequences (emotional + behavioural)
  • supporting evidence of beck✅
    • grazioli + terry
    • 65 pregnant women
    • women high in cognitive vulnerability more likely to suffer post-natal depression
  • beck's useful in CBT ✅
    • components of negative triad identified
    • successful therapy
  • ellis's partial explanation🚫
    • only explains reactive depression
  • ellis's partial explanation🚫
    • only explains reactive depression (cognitive)
    • doesn't explain aspects like anger + hallucinations
  • ellis's useful in CBT
    • focus on reducing irrational beliefs to reduce consequences