Othello Quotes

Cards (93)

  • "Tis better as it is" - Othello Act 1 Scene 2
  • "Let him do his spite" - Othello Act 1 Scene 2
  • "As proud a fortune as this I have reached" - Othello Act 1 Scene 2
  • "I love thee gentle Desdemona" - Othello Act 1 Scene 2
  • "My parts, my title shall manifest me rightly" - Othello Act 1 Scene 2
  • "My very noble and approved good masters" - Othello Act 1 Scene 3
  • "little blest with soft phrase of speech" - Othello Act 1 Scene 3
  • "I won his daughter" - Othello Act 1 Scene 3
  • "with a greedy ear devour up my discourse" - Othello Act 1 Scene 3
  • "She loved me for me dangers I had passed and I loved her that she did pity them" - Othello Act 1 Scene 3
  • "O my sweet" - Othello Act 2 Scene 1
  • "Iago is most honest" - Othello Act 2 Scene 3
  • "I will deny thee nothing" - Othello Act 3 Scene 3
  • "But l do love thee!" - Othello Act 3 Scene 3
  • "Show me thy thought" - Othello Act 3 Scene 3
  • "And so she did" - Othello Act 3 Scene 3 - After Iago said she deceived her father
  • "This fellow's of exceeding honesty" - Othello Act 3 Scene 3
  • "Haply for I am black" - Othello Act 3 Scene 3
  • "can call these delicate creatures ours and their appetites" - Othello Act 3 Scene 3
  • "I have a pain upon my forehead here" - Othello Act 3 Scene 3
  • "give me the ocular proof" - Othello Act 3 Scene 3
  • "Arise black vengeance from the hollow hell {...} to tyrannous hate" - Othello Act 3 Scene 3
  • "That handkerchief did an Egyptian to my mother give" - Othello Act 3 Scene 4
  • "The handkerchief" x2 - Othello Act 3 Scene 4
  • "confess! handkerchief! O Devil!" - Othello Act 4 Scene 1
  • "HE FALLS INTO A TRANCE" - Stage Directions - Othello Act 4 Scene 1
  • "How shall I murder him Iago?" - Othello Act 4 Scene 1
  • "I will chop her into messes! Cuckhold me!" - Othello Act 4 Scene 1
  • "Devil!" STRIKING HER - Othello Act 4 Scene 1
  • "Was this fair paper, this most Godly book made to write whore upon?" - Othello Act 4 Scene 2
  • "Dismiss your attendant" - Othello Act 4 Scene 3
  • "Yet she must die" - Othello Act 5 Scene 2
  • "Justice to break her sword!" - Othello Act 5 Scene 2
  • "I'll kill thee and love thee after" - Othello Act 5 Scene 2
  • "I saw the handkerchief" - Othello Act 5 Scene 2
  • "It is too late" - Othello Act 5 Scene 2
  • "My wife my wife! what wife? I have no wife" - Othello Act 5 Scene 2
  • "You heard her say herself it was not I" - Othello Act 5 Scene 2
  • "T'was I that killed her" - Othello Act 5 Scene 2
  • "Thy husband knew it all" - Othello Act 5 Scene 2