cognitive approach to treating depression

Cards (7)

  • CBT = cognitive behavioural therapy
    • therapist + patient identify goals, and create a plan to challenge irrational thoughts + replace them with effective behaviours
    • can be based on Beck's cognitive therapy and/or ellis's rational emotive behavioural therapy
    • goals should be specific, measurable, achievable and time-based
  • beck's
    • identify + challenge negative triad
    • homework e.g journal to produce evidence
  • ellis's REBT
    • ABCDE = dispute (challenge irrational belief) + effect (new belief replaces old belief)
    • empirical argument: disputing whether there is actual evidence to support the negative belief
    • logical argument : involves disputing whether the negative thought logically follows from the facts
    • positive/enjoyable activities encouraged
  • supporting evidence✅
    • march et al - 327 depressed adolescents
    • 36 weeks
    • 81% effective for CBT + medication (just as effective)
  • not always suitable🚫
    • very severe cases - can't motivate selves to engage
    • may have to be combined with medication
  • may be due to therapist - patient relationship 🚫
    • some people just want to talk - doesn't prove cognition is the cause
    • could work without cognitive focus
  • overemphasis on cognition🚫
    • circumstances e.g poverty
    • environment needs to be changed rather than cognition
    • inappropriate CBT use can demotivate people to change environments