
Cards (3)

  • Credibility - Lots of research
    • Clive Wearing suffered brain damage - lost ability to encode new long term memories
    • Forgets everything within 30 seconds and always feeling like he's waking up the first time
    • Has lost episodic memory but not semantic memory
    • Has not episodic memory of wife but remembers he loves her (Semantic memory)
    • Knows he has children but can't remember names
    • Has procedural memory - plays piano although can't remember his musical education and once music stops he forgets he performed
  • Objections - Squire and Zola put to test
    • Damage to temporal cortex causes problems with both types of memory
    • Suggests declarative and non-declarative located in same place and be same thing working in different way
    • Squire and Zola - examined kids with amnesia and adults with amnesia - episodic and semantic memories equally impaired supporting idea that two memory functions are linked
    • Propose KC problems is not with memory but with ability to understand and make sense of own memories
  • Differences - Links to Reconstructive memory
    • Tulving - memory has semantic stores where we keep our understanding of relationship and rules which is similar to schemas
    • Schemas meaningful patterns of information which differ from person to person - they are separate semantic stores
    • If Tulving ideas true makes reconstructive memory plausible
    • If reconstructive memory true then semantic memory has more influence over episodic memory as schemas influence how er construct our memories