church and the kingdom of god (gcse religious studies aqa b)

Cards (67)

  • Magnificat: mary shows humility
    she recognises she is only special because of what god did to her
  • Magnificat: mary praises gods greatness
    she is aware god has shown love for all people; whole prayer praises god for this “mighty one has done great things for me”
  • Magnificat: mary shows her acceptance of gods will

    she willingly accepted the role of jesus mother; praise accepts readiness to follow god
  • Magnificat: mary shows her trust in god
    when she pregnan, she was unmarrie, so could have been killed for adultery
  • Magnificat: magnificat controversial
    sense of revolution in the prayer
    “he has brought down the powerful and lifted up the lowly” (Luke 1:52)
  • mission in drama les miserables
    valjean steals silver for a gift, bishop forgives valjean and doesn’t get him
    in jail since the silver was a gift, the bishops action of love and kindness inspires valjean to be better
  • kingdom values in vocations: preisthood
    promise of celibacy; commit to god.
    like jesus, he will serve others.
    promise of obedience to their bishop.
  • Pilgrimage is
    a dramatised prayer
  • Catholics believe that life is a
    pilgrimage towards heaven
  • 2nd vatican council said
    “Christians, on pilgrimage toward the heavenly city”
  • stations of the cross are

    a series of 14 images that depict jesus’ journey to death
  • why do people go on pilgrimage to jerusalem
    to share in jesus’ life and suffering
    to renew their faith and commitment to jesus
  • why is going to Jerusalem pilgrimage important
    the city in Israel where jesus died,
    catholics might visit jesus’ tomb (via dolorosa) and other places connected to his life
  • why do catholics go to rome pilgrimage
    to show commitment to the catholic church
  • why is going to rome important
    it is the centre of catholic faith,
    where st peter died and where the pope lives
  • why is going to lourdes important
    a town in france where st Bernadette saw visions of mary,
    waters of the spring are bel to have healing powers
  • why do catholics go to lourdes
    to be healed physically or spiritually
  • why do catholics go to walsingham

    to go on pilgrimage without going abroad,
    to spend time with other catholics
  • why is going to walsingham important
    noblewoman had visions of where mary lived in Nazareth and built a copy of this house
  • how does les miserables show mission

    valjean stole silver as a gift, the bishop stops the police from arresting valjean since the theft was a gift,
    the bishops act of love and forgiveness persuaded valjean to become a better person
  • kingdom of god is also known as
    the reign of god
  • the kingdom began when
    jesus was born
  • how was the KoG established?
    through jesus’ resurrection and the coming of the Holy spirit
  • KoG is extended by Christians who form

    and help to spread the KoG on earth
  • when will the KoG be completed?
    at the end of time when all people will enjoy the eternal happiness of heaven
  • what does “our father who art in heaven“ mean

    jesus wants all people to be able to call god father and have a trusting relationship with him
  • what does “hallowed be thy name” mean

    for god to be accepted as holy “holy is his name“
    people respect the majesty of god
  • “on earth as it is in heaven”
    accepting and following gods will is important for establishing the KoG
    shows that the KoG will be heavenly
  • what does “forgive us our trespasses” mean

    forgiveness is needed for the KoG to happen, and also catholics need to accept gods forgiveness for their own sins
  • order of the church hierarchy
    pope, cardinal, bishop, priest, deacon, lay people
  • what are the signs of the KoG
    justice, peace, reconciliation
  • how can catholics carry out justice
    respect all people
    ensure everyone has access to basic human rights
  • how can catholics carry out peace 

    accept the rights of every person
    state of total trust and unity between all people
    flows from justice, no peace = no justice
  • how can catholics show reconciliation
    bring back people together who have broken apart
    rely on acceptance and empathy
  • dei verbum is
    word of god
  • sacrosanctum councillium is 

    on the sacred liturgy
  • lumen gentium is

    on the church
  • guadium et spes is
    the church in the modern world
  • dei verbum does
    deals with importance of interpretation of the bible
    bible should be taken seriously but not literally
  • sacrosanctum councilium does

    deals with the liturgy and church services
    all people should be able to join in, services are now said in vernacular language