A set of activities, techniques, and processes aimed at identifying and addressing defects and deviations from the desired quality standards
Quality assurance
Encompasses the proactive and systematic activities designed to preventdefects and ensure that the desired quality standards are consistently met
Quality management system
A formalized system that documents processes, procedures, and responsibilities for achieving qualitypolicies and objectives
Quality system encompasses both qualityassurance and qualitycontrol
Quality assurance has been defined by the WHO as "the total process whereby the quality of laboratory reports can be guaranteed"
Qualityassurance (summarized)

The right result, at the right time, on the right specimen, from the right patient, with the result interpretation based on correct reference data, and at the right price
Sample type plays a role in quality assurance
Quality control must cover all aspects of every procedure within the department
Quality control must be practical, achievable, and affordable
All materials, equipment and procedures must be adequately controlled in qualitycontrol
Quality assurance
Focuses on preventing defects by establishing robust processes, conducting audits, and implementing corrective and preventive actions
Integrated into the entire process from start to finish
Involves process design, documentation, training, audits, and continuous improvement efforts
Process-oriented, addressing the entire system
Quality control
Focuses on detecting and rectifying defects
Performed after production or servicedelivery
Activities include inspection, testing, and measurement
Quality control is product-oriented, focusing on specific outputs
Quality assurance should come first when setting up a lab
Quality assurance and quality control concepts are relevant to microbiology
Quality assurance and quality control concepts affect antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Application of quality assurance
ISO 15189:2022 accreditation

Accreditation standard for medical laboratories
EQA programmes and CAP are examples of quality assurance programmes
Media quality control
1. Culture media must be tested for sterility and performance
2. Performance checked by growth, expectedreactions and zone sizes
3. Control strains and antibiotics used
Meuller-Hinton media
pH 7.2 - 7.4
6 discs on 90 mm plates
12 discs on 150 mm plate
Macrolides, aminoglycosides and quinolones have decreased activity in low pH Meuller-Hinton media
Tetracyclines have increased activity in low pH Meuller-Hinton media
Thymidine & thymine imbalance can cause falseresistance in Meuller-Hinton media with sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim
Increased Ca2+ and Mg2+ in Meuller-Hinton media can cause falseresistance
Decreased Ca2+ and Mg2+ in Meuller-Hinton media can cause falsesusceptibility
Specimen collection, transport, processing and reporting
1. Collection must ensure the best possible specimen is collected in a repeatable manner
2. Lab must have fixed cut off times, conditions and short term storage of specimen
3. Processing follows SOPs
Mishandling of a specimen in the pre-analytical phase can have deleterious outcomes on the yield of a potential pathogen