Macbeth Quotes

Cards (88)

  • "When the battles' lost and won" - 2nd Witch (1.1)
  • "thunder and lightening" - Setting (1.1)
  • "fog and filthy air" - All Witches (1.1)
  • "Fair is foul and foul is fair" - All Witches (1.1)
  • "Till he unseame'd him from the nave to the chops" - Sergeant (1.2)
  • "What he hath lost noble Macbeth hath won" - Duncan (1.2)
  • "O valiant cousin, worthy gentleman" - Duncan (1.2)
  • "So foul and fair a day I have not seen" - Macbeth (1.3)
  • "You should be women, and yet your beard forbid me to interpret that you are so" - Banquo (1.3)
  • "the charms wound up" - All Witches (1.3)
  • "weird sisters, hand in hand" - All Witches (1.3)
  • "All hail, Macbeth, shalt be King hereafter" - 3rd Witch (1.3)
  • "Thou shalt get Kings, though thou be none" - 3rd Witch (1.3)
  • "Why do you dress me in borrowed robes?" - Macbeth (1.3)
  • "The instruments of darkness tell us truths" - Banquo (1.3)
  • "strange intelligence" - Macbeth (1.3)
  • "prophetic greeting" - Macbeth (1.3)
  • "horrible imaginings" - Macbeth (1.3)
  • "Stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires" - Macbeth (1.4)
  • "He was a gentleman on whom I built/An absolute trust" - Duncan (1.4)
  • "Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here" - Lady Macbeth (1.5)
  • "under my battlements" - Lady Macbeth (1.5)
  • "may pour [her] spirits in [Macbeth's] ear" - Lady Macbeth (1.5)
  • "look like the innocent flower/ Be the serpent under it" - Lady Macbeth (1.5)
  • "honour'd hostess!" - Duncan (1.6)
  • "vaulting ambition" - Macbeth (1.7)
  • "False face must hide what the false heart doth know" - Macbeth (1.7)
  • "Screw your courage to the sticking place" - Lady Macbeth (1.7)
  • "I dare do all that may become a man" - Macbeth (1.7)
  • "We will proceed no more in this business" - Macbeth (1.7)
  • "Is this a dagger which I see before me" - Macbeth (2.1)
  • "A dagger of the mind, a false creation/Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?" - Macbeth (2.1)
  • "Hear it not Duncan, for it is a kneel, that summons thee to Heaven or to Hell" - Macbeth (2.1)
  • "Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done't" - Lady Macbeth (2.2)
  • "I could not say amen" - Macbeth (2.2)
  • "make us mad" - Lady Macbeth (2.2)
  • "Macbeth shall sleep no more" - Macbeth (2.2)
  • "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?" - Macbeth (2.2)
  • "O horror, horror, horror/ tongue nor heart cannot conceive, nor name thee" - Macduff (2.3)
  • " I do repent me of my fury/ That I did kill them" - Macbeth (2.3)