Cards (10)

  • The Age of Contact
    was the era when Spaniards arrived in Texas searching for wealth and Native empires to conquer
  • Expedition
    a journey/ voyage by a group of people
  • Conquistador
    a Spanish solider-explorer who personal riches and power as well as the wealth and glory of Spain
  • Navigate
    to find a way to pass through/over a body of water
  • Explorer
    a person who discovers an unfamiliar area
  • Colony
    a distant land under the control of a nation or a group of people sent by a government to a new territory
  • Viceroy

    an official who rules in the name of the king or queen
  • Columbian Exchange
    Otherwise known as the Triangular Trade, it was the exchange of diseases, ideas, food, crops, and populations between the New World and the Old World
  • Mercantilism
    An economic system of trade. Colonies were supposed to find and grow "goods" and send them back to their mother country.
  • Glory
    gaining recognition by expanding for the mother country