Cards (43)

  • Four main groups of biomolecules:
    • Proteins (peptides or polymers of amino acids)
    • Lipids (nutrition)
    • structural, energy storage, hormones
    • Carbohydrates (Monosaccharides and polysaccharides)
    • energy storage and cell signaling, structural functions
    • Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA, nucleotides)
    • storage of genetic information, structural, energy storage, energy metabolism
  • biochemistry is principally concerned with the chemistry and molecular interaction of biological interactions of biological molecules associated with living systems
  • bios = life (greek)
  • al kimya = the transmutation (Arabic)
  • Chemistry explains "change" using atoms
  • all chemical change involves rearrangements of electrons
  • biochemistry explains life in terms of atomic structures of biological molecules and the chemical changes they undergo when they interact with other biological and non-biological molecules
  • biosphere contains more than 10^6 different species ranging from single cells to complex animals
  • all life forms use the same type of biomolecules and all share some common metabolic features suggesting a common ancient ancestor with variation on a theme over time
  • change = chemical reactions
  • most biochemical reactions are mediated by enzymes
  • enzymes are proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions
  • enzymes have catalytic activity as a function of their molecular structure
  • proteins are composed of amino acids
  • to understand the properties of amino acids (and most other biochemical molecules) we must review water, buffers and pH
  • synthesis and degradation of biomolecules and other transformations associated with life:
    • metabolism
    • catabolism
    • anabolism
  • Metabolism: organized network of reactions occurring in cells
  • Catabolism: reactions that degrade (breakdown) nutrient molecules yielding energy
  • Anabolism: Cell components are assembled (making) from small molecules and energy
  • Bond strength depends on the properties of the atoms including
    • electronegativity
    • functional groups
    • saturated hydrocarbons
    • H- bonds
    • enthalpy
    • electrostatic interactions
    • van der waals interaction
    • amphipathic molecules
  • Electronegativity: a measure of the ability of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to itself
  • Hydrogen (H): 2.1
  • Nitrogen (N): 3.0
  • Phosphate (P): 2.1
  • Carbon (C): 2.5
  • Oxygen (O): 3.5
  • Sulfur (S): 2.5
  • Biomolecule reactivity is found in functional groups that have polar bonds
  • C-O is a carboxyl or carbonyl
  • H-O is an alcohol
  • H-N is an amino
  • H-S is a Thiol or Sulfhydryl
  • P-O is a phosphate or phosphoryl
  • there are 5 different types of biochemical transformations involving bond formation or bond breakage
    • group transfer (CH3, typically)
    • oxidation-reduction (changing electrons)
    • rearrangement (complex)
    • cleavage (1 to 2)
    • condensation (putting them together)
  • Molecules with mostly C-H and C-C bonds are called saturated hydrocarbons and are non-polar or only slightly polar and tend to be non-reactive, have lots of energy under normal conditions
  • C-O bond is polar
  • water or H20 is of central importance to biochemistry because it is the main solvent of the cell
  • Biochemistry looks at their chemical structures and molecular functions
  • Chemistry is what is happening with electrons and between atoms
  • polar parts will typically drive things