1. Rightventricle pumps deoxygenatedblood to lungs
2. Oxygenation and CO2excretion in lung capillaries
3. Oxygenated blood flows from lungs to leftatrium
Systemic circulation
1. Oxygenated blood from left ventricle pumped into aorta
2. Gaseous exchange between tissues and capillaries
3. Venous system returns CO2-laden blood to right side of heart
Located in thoracic cavity
Surrounded by pericardium
Consists of left and right ventricles, left and right atria
Coronary artery
On the surface of the heart and its branches
Superior vena cava
Returns blood from head and shoulder to right heart
Inferior vena cava
Returns blood from organs below diaphragm to right heart
Pulmonary artery
Carries blood from right ventricle to lungs
Arches to the left just anterior to the heart
Pulmonary veins
Empty into the left atrium
Pulmonary semilunar valve
Valve at the exit of the pulmonary artery from the right ventricle
Tricuspid valve
Separates the right ventricle from the right atrium
Chordae tendineae
Connective tissue strands that hold the valves to the papillary muscle of the ventricle, preventing blood from being forced into the atrium when the ventricle contracts
Thinner in the atrium than the ventricle
Walls between the right and left heart
Interatrial septum separates left and right atria
Interventricular septum separates left and right ventricles
Pulmonary artery
Leaves the right ventricle to the lungs
Vessel that leaves the left ventricle
Ascending aorta
First part of the aorta, gives rise to the coronary arteries
Brachiocephalic artery
Large straight artery running anteriorly on the right side of the aortic arch
Right and left common carotid arteries
Branches of brachiocephalic that pass anteriorly alongside the trachea and give rise to smaller branches in the neck and head regions
Internal mammary artery
Springs from the ventral surface of the subclavian artery
Vertebral artery
Arises from the dorsal surface of the subclavian
Costocervical axis
Branch of the subclavian artery
Thyrocervical axis
Branch of the subclavian artery
Axillary artery
Subclavian artery passing in front of the first rib into the axilla
Ventral thoracic artery
Passes medially to the medial ends of the pectoral muscles
Long thoracic artery
Passes posteriorly along the middle region of the pectoral muscle and then to the latissimus dorsi
Subscapular artery
Large artery near the arm
Left subclavian artery
Arises directly from the arch of the aorta and has the same branches as the right side
Thoracic aorta
Aorta coursing along the thorax, with paired intercostal arteries as chief branches
Abdominal aorta
Unpaired median visceral branches to digestive tract, paired lateral visceral branches to kidneys and reproductive organs, and paired somatic branches to body wall
Coeliac artery
Anterior branch of the dorsal (abdominal) aorta, divides into hepatic, left gastric, and splenic arteries
Superior mesenteric artery
Supplies greater part of intestine, gives rise to middle colic, posterior pancreaticoduodenal, and ileocolic arteries
Adrenolumbar arteries
Small, paired branches supplying adrenal gland and muscles of back and diaphragm
Renal arteries
Large, paired arteries supplying the kidneys
Genital arteries
Posterior to renal arteries, supply reproductive organs (spermatic/testicular artery in males, ovarian artery in females)
Inferior mesenteric artery
Unpaired, caudad to genital arteries, supplies large intestine