Cards (20)

  • biochemistry - branch of both biology and chemistry. It is the study of the substances found in living organisms
  • Saccharide - from greek sakcharon meaning sugar
  • Galactose - from greek word for milk galact, found as a components of lactos in milk. Does not occure free in nature
  • Polysaccharide - carbohydrates that contains ten monosaccharide units or more
  • Maltose - french word for malt, a disaccharide containing two units of glucose, found in germinating grains, used to make beers
  • Starch - stored carbohydrate in plants
  • Peptide bond - a chemical bond formed between two molecules
  • Triglyceride - the final 3D shape of a single polypeptide molecule
  • Biomolecules - organic molecules being produced by living organisms
  • Glucose - from greek word for sweet wine, grape sugar, blood sugar, dextrose
  • Monosaccharide - simple sugar
  • Lactose - latin word for milk - lact, a disaccharide found in milk containing glucose and galactose
  • Cellulose - major components of the plants cell wall
  • Amino acid - building blocks of proteins
  • Carbohydrates - chief source of energy of almost all living organisms
  • Fructose - found in fruits and honey, sweetest sugar
  • Disaccharide - contain two monosaccharides units bound together by covalent bond know as a glycosidic bond
  • Sucrose - a disaccharide made of glucose and fructose
  • Glycogen - stored carbohydrates in animals
  • Protein - complex biomolecules that contain amino acid linked through the peptide bonds