Geneticengineering- Direct modification of an organism's genome, which is the list of specific traits (genes) stored in the DNA
Genome- the complete set of Dna (genetic material) in an organism
Teosinte- one of the parent plants of modern corn
Created first genetically modified bacteria
Eggsarehaploid: 23 chromosomes
Bodycellsarediploid :46 chromosomes
Created GM mice
First commercial development of GMOs (insulin-producing bacteria)
Began to sell genetically modified food
Began to sell GMOs as pets (Glofish)
•Selective breeding
Breeders choose which organism to mate to produce offspring with desired traits
Two individuals with unlike characteristics are crossed to produce the best in both organisms
Breeding of organisms that are genetically similar to maintain desired traits
Creating an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another
Gene splicing
DNA is cut out of one organism and put into another organism, transferring a trait
A technique used to compare DNA from two or more organisms by separating DNA based on size of fragments
Fast-Growing Salmon
Less Smelly Cows
Glow in the dark cat
Web-ProducingGoats: Spider genes in goats enable the production of spider silk in goat milk
A farmer
A doctor
A concerned environmentalist
Environmentalistperspective: Genetic Engineering may have negative impacts on ecosystems if genetically modified plants are released into natural habitats, potentially causing harm to native species.
Doctorperspective: Genetic Engineering has potential benefits in medicine, including gene therapy which involves replacing faulty genes with healthy ones to treat inherited disorders.
Farmer perspective: Genetic Engineering can be beneficial as it allows farmers to produce crops with desirable traits such as resistance to pests and diseases.
Step1 - Isolation of Gene: The first step is to isolate the desired gene from its original location using restriction enzymes that cut specific sequences of DNA at particular locations.
A method of producing new combinations of DNAmolecules by joining together segments of DNA from different sources.
The process of creating transgenic organisms involves several steps:
When animals with desired characteristics are mated