Assessment of Thorax and Lungs

Cards (23)

  • Cervical Curve - Concave (C)
  • Thoracic Curve - Convex (ↄ)
  • Lumbar Curve - Concave (C)
  • Sacral Curve - Convex (ↄ)
  • Pigeon Chest - sternum protrudes outward
  • Tactile Fremitus - refers to vibratory tremors that can be felt through the chest by palpation
  • Decreased fremitus - in areas where fremitus is normally expected indicates obstruction, pneumothorax, or emphysema.
  • Increased fremitus - may indicate compression or consolidation of lung tissue, as occurs in pneumonia.
  • Resonance - drum like
  • Hyper-resonance = too much air/emphysema
  • Flatness / Dull - fluid or solid
  • Vesicular - lung field / soft and low
  • Bronchial - trachea/bronchi and hollow
  • Bronchovesicular - mixed / side of sternum / 1st and 2nd intercoastal space / between scapulae
  • BRONCHIAL - high pitched / INSPIRATION slightly shorter than expiration (IE = 1:3 OR 1<E) / hollow and tubular
  • BRONCHOVESICULAR - inspiration and expiration are EQUAL (IE=1:1 OR I=E) / anterior = 1st and 2nd ics / posterior = between scapulae
  • VESICULAR - most commonly heard sound / heard through peripheral lung fields / inspiration is greater than expiration (IE=3:1 OR I>E)
  • Continuous Adventitious Breath Sounds
    Polyphonic (Sibilant) Wheeze/Rhonchi - heard more on expiration with many sounds
  • Continuous Adventitious Breath Sounds

    Monophonic (Sonorous) Wheeze - mainly heard on expiration, low-pitched whistle, one sound quality
  • Continuous Adventitious Breath Sounds

    Stridor - High-pitched whistling/grasping with harsh quality airway obstruction (e.g. croup) partial obstruction of larynx
  • Discontinuous Adventitious Breath Sounds
    Course Crackles /Rales - heard more on inspiration, wet bubbling low-pitched sound (fluid in the lungs)
  • Discontinuous Adventitious Breath Sounds
    Fine Crackles - mainly heard on inspiration, high-pitched crackling sound, DOES NOT CLEAR WITH COUGH
  • Discontinuous Adventitious Breath Sounds
    Pleural Friction Rub - heard both on inspiration & expiration, harsh grating / creaking sound, PLEURA are RUBBING