Cards (3)

  • Look at what is normal
    A different way to look at normality and abnormality is to think about what makes someone ‘normal’ and psychologically healthy.
    Then identify anyone who deviates from this ideal.
  • JAHODA listed 8 criteria for ideal mental health 

    1. We have no symptoms or distress
    2. We are rational and perceive ourselves accurately
    3. We self-actualise
    4. We can cope with stress
    5. We have a realistic view of the world 
    6. We have good self esteem and lack guilt
    7. We are independent of other people
    8. We can successfully work, love and enjoy our leisure
  • Inevitable overlap between definitions 

    Someones’ inability to keep a job may be a sign of their failure to cope with the pressures of work (failure to function).
    Or as a deviation from the ideal of successfully working.