Cards (3)

    • Panic =
    May involve a range of behaviours such as crying, screaming or running away from the phobic stimulus.
    • Avoidance =
    Considerable effort to prevent contact with the phobic stimulus. This can make it hard to go about everyday life.
    • Endurance =
    An alternative behaviour to avoidance. Involves remaining with the phobic stimulus and continuing to experience anxiety.
    • Anxiety =
    An unpleasant state of high arousal. Prevents an individual relaxing and makes it very difficult to experience positive emotions. 
    • Fear =
    The immediate response we experience when we encounter or think about a phobic stimulus. 
    • Emotional response is unreasonable =
    Disproportionate to the threat posed e.g a person with arachnophobia will have a strong emotional response to a tiny spider.
    • Selective attention to the phobia stimulus =
    A person with a phobia finds it hard to look away from the phobic stimulus. 
    • Irrational beliefs =
    Phobias may involve beliefs e.g ‘if i blush people will think i am weak’
    • Cognitive distortions =
    Unrealistic thinking e.g belly buttons appear ugly.