Cards (3)

    • Compulsions and repetitive =
    Actions carried out repeatedly in a ritualistic way, e.g handwashing.
    • Compulsions reduce anxiety =
    Anxiety may be created by obsessions, or just anxiety alone.
    • Avoidance =
    OCD is managed by avoiding situations that trigger anxiety, e.g avoid rubbish bins because they have germs. 
    • Anxiety and distress =
    Obsessive thoughts are unpleasant and frightening, and the anxiety that goes with these can be overwhelming. 
    • Depression =
    Low mood and lack of enjoyment.
    • Guilt and disgust =
    Irrational guilt, e.g over a minor moral issue, or disgust which is directed towards oneself or something external like dirt. 
    • Obsessive thoughts =
    About 90% of people with OCD have recurring intrusive thoughts e.g about being contaminated by dirt or germs. 
    • Cognitive coping strategies =
    Some people with OCD use strategies to cope, e.g meditation.
    • Insight into excessive anxiety =
    Awareness that thoughts and behaviour are irrational. May have catastrophic thoughts and be hypervigilant.