Humanistic approach

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  • Humanism assumptions
    > All humans can determine their own behaviour and have free will
    > All humans have an innate need for self-actualisation and will achieve this provided they have the right environment for personal growth
    > Each person is a rational and conscious being and not dominated by unconscious primitive instincts
  • Humanism AO3
    :) Holistic approach
    > Takes into account subjective experiences
    > Whereas reductionist approaches such as behaviourism reduce complex human behaviour to a consequence of stimulus, response and association
    > Humanism is seen as a more valid way of understanding human behaviour in a real life context
  • Humanism AO3
    :) Practical applications
    > Person Centred Therapy
    > PCT can be used to treat abnormalities such as depression and helps the individual reach self-actualisation
    > Therefore the humanistic approach is an important part of applied psychology
  • Humanism AO3
    :( Limited by cultural relativism
    > Self-actualisation is based on a western culture
    > Collectivist cultures emphasise working as a group and community
    > Therefore it is possible this approach doesnt apply universally and is limited to western cultures