Origins of psychology

Cards (5)

  • Science - Gaining knowledge through the use of objective investigation
  • Wundt
    > Known as the 'father of psychology'
    > Set up the first psychology lab in Germany in 1879 and published one of the first books on psychology, helping to establish psychology as an independent branch of science
    > Controlled environments
    > Used scientific methods to study the structure of sensation and perception using introspection, arguing human experiences should be analysed in terms of components eg. emotions
  • Wundt AO3
    :) Moving psychology from its philosophical roots
    > Controlled environments with a standardised procedure to study thoughts and feelings using the same stimulus every time (ticking metronome)
    > Same standardised instructions
    > Therefore, increased the ability to replicate the pieces of research and increased psychologys status
  • Wundt AO3
    :( Research was replicable but not reliable
    > Introspection focuses on participants subjective experiences so findings vary from person to person
    > Hard to establish general principles of human behaviour
    > Behaviourist psychologists believe psychology should only study behaviour that can be observed and measured
    > Behaviourist approach born, increasing psychology's scientific status
  • Wundt AO3
    :( Considered unscientific today
    > Relied on participants self reporting their mental processes
    > Data is subjective and varies person to person
    > Difficult to establish general principles and predict future outcomes
    > Therefore, some of Wundts early efforts to study the mind were flawed and would not meet the criteria of science