Cognitive biases

Cards (11)

  • What are the cognitive biases?
    Gamblers fallacy
    Illusion of control
    Near miss bias
    Recall bias
  • What is the gambler’s fallacy?
    The belief that random events will equal themselves up over time
    ”I haven’t had a win in a while, so I’m due one”
  • What is illusion of control?
    The belief they can influence the result because of skill rather than luck
    Eg nudging the machine
  • What is the near miss bias?
    Constantly losing but viewing this as nearly winning
  • What is the recall bias?
    The tendency to remember wins whilst forgetting about losses
  • What did Griffiths find about cognitive bias?

    Regular gamblers made six times as many irrational statements that irregular gamblers
    1/3 of regular gamblers continued playing until they lost all their money
  • What did the national gambling clinic find?

    80% of gambling-related verbalisations made by pathological gamblers are irrational
  • How do cognitive biases explain automatic thoughts?
    Frequent gamblers place bets automatically
  • What is some evidence for automatic thoughts?
    Getting and McCuster (1997) - modified stroop test with gambling words
    Gamblers took longer to process the colour of the ink when the word was related to gambling
    Suggesting they were automatically processing the gambling words
  • What are the methodological issues of investigating cognitive biases?
    Studying utterances involves self-report so the thoughts are unfalsifiable
    Some thoughts may be unconscious, or social desirability may play a part, as gamblers may not want to be judged for their verbalisations
  • How do gamblers demonstrate low self efficacy?

    Believe they cannot give up gambling