
Cards (27)

  • Present Active tense
  • Imperfect Active tense
  • Perfect Active tense
  • Pluperfect Active
  • Present passive
  • Imperfect passive
  • Perfect passive
    -us sum
    -us es
    -us est
    -i sumus
    -i estis
    -i sunt
  • Pluperfect passive
    -us eram
    -us eras
    -us erat
    -i eramus
    -i eratis
    -i erant
  • 1st Declension
  • 2nd Declension Masc
  • 2nd Declension Neuter
  • 3rd Declension
  • Pluperfect subjunctive: When _ had ...

    Cum +
  • Imperfect subjunctive: When _ were _ing
    Cum +
  • Past participle
    'Having been _ -ed'
    -t followed by either 1st or 2nd declension ending
  • Present participle
    '_ -ing'
    -nt followed by 3rd declension ending. The exception to following the 3rd declension being nominative singular which is -ns
  • Infinitives
    Present, active: Porta -re - To carry
    Present, passive: Porta -ri - To be carried
    Past, active: Porta -visse - To have carried
    Past, passive: Porta -tus esse - To have been carried
    Future, active: Porta -turus esse - To be about to carry
    Future, passive: Porta -tum iri - To be about to be carried
  • Deponent verbs

    Verbs which appear passive but are actually active. These will appear in the word list with passive endings, but have an active meaning e.g:
    loquor, loqui, loctus sum - the last one indicates its a deponent
  • Relative pronoun singular in the form masc fem neuter

    Nom- qui quae quod
    Acc- quem quam quod
    Gen- cuius cuius cuius
    Dat- cui cui cui
    Abl- quo qua quo
  • Relative pronoun plural in the form masc fem neuter

    Nom- qui quae quae
    Acc- quos quas quae
    Gen- quorum quarum quorum
    Dat- quibus quibus quibus
    Abl- quibus quibus quibus
  • Future participle
    These will have 'ur' before the ending which will be either 1st or 2nd declension : remember fut -ur e
  • Adjectives
    Magn -us , -a , -um - 1st or 2nd declension endings to agree with nouns
    Omn -is , -is , -e - 3rd declension or other endings to agree with nouns
  • Imperative from infinitive
    For singular: Remove -re
    For plural: Remove -re , add -te
  • Pluperfect participle: 'had ... -ed'
    Look for 'era'
  • '-issimus'

    The most
  • 'Quibus auditis'
    When he heard these things
  • 'Haec'
    Can mean either 'these things' or 'him'