The aims of CBT are to helpclientsidentifyirrationalthoughts and try to changethem.Clients usually have 15-20sessions in groups or individually.Clients are helped to make sense of how their delusions and hallucinationsimpact their feelings and behaviour. For example, a client may hearvoices and believe they are demons so they becomeafraid
acaseexample of CBT is Tarkington et al. who treated a paranoidclient who believed the mafia were plotting to killhim. The therapistacknowledged the client'sanxiety, and explained that there were other,lessfrighteningpossibilities and gentlychallenged the client'sevidence for his belief in the mafiaexplanation
Family therapy aim to reducelevels of expressed emotion and negativesymptoms such as anger and guilt which createstress. The therapistencouragesfamilymembers to form a therapeuticalliance where they all agree on the aims of therapy. The therapist also tries to ensure that familymembersachieve a balance between caring for the individual with SZ andmaintaining their ownlives
Burbach's model of familytherapy includes:
phases 1 and 2-shareinformation and identifyresourcesfamily can offer
phases 3 and 4-learnmental understanding and look at unhelpful patterns of interaction
phases 5,6 and 7-skillstraining such as stress managementtechniques, relapse prevention and maintenance
One strength if CBT is evidence for its effectiveness. Jauhar et al. reviewed34studies of CBT for SZ, and concluded that there is evidence for significanteffects on symptoms. Portillo et al. found reductions in audiotoryhallucinations.Clinicaladvice from NICErecommendsCBT for people with SZ. This means bothresearch and clinicalexperiencesupport CBT for SZ
One limitation of CBT is the quality of evidence. Thomas points out that different studies have focused on differentCBTtechniques and people with differentsymptoms. Overall, modestbenefits of CBT for SZ may conceal a range of effects of differenttechniques on differentsymptoms. This means that it is hard to say howeffectiveCBT will be for treating a particularperson with SZ
One strength of family therapy is that there is evidence for its effectiveness. McFarlane concluded familytherapy is effective for SZ. Relapserates were reduced by 50-60%. Particularlypromising during time when mentalhealth initially starts ti decline.NICEreccomendsfamilytherapy. This means that familytherapy is good for people with both early and 'full-blown' SZ
One strength of family therapy is that it benefits the wholefamily.Therapy is not just for benefit of identifiedpatient but also for the families that providebulk of care for people with SZ. Familytherapylessens the negativeimpact of SZ on the family and strengthensability of the family to givesupport. This meansfamilytherapy has widerbenefitsbeyond the obviouspositiveimpact on the identifiedpatient.