
    Cards (15)

    • Overt Observation

      Disclosing to the participants that they are being observed
    • Advantages of Overt Observation
      • Less ethical problems
      • The researcher is honest about their presence
      • The researcher does not put themselves in a compromising position
    • Disadvantages of Overt Observation
      • Hawthorne Effect (participants may change their behaviour as they know they are being watched)
      • The observer may be excluded from the group i.e. not allowed into the secrets of the group
    • Covert Observation

      Not disclosing to the participants that they are being observed
    • Advantages of Covert Observation
      • Behaviour is natural as the observer does not know they are being observed- valid
      • The researcher can immerse themselves entirely in the situation and gain a real sense of understanding of the views of the group
    • Disadvantages of Covert Observation

      • Ethical issues (it is dishonest to study a group and not tell them about it)
      • The observer may put themselves in a compromising position if they witness any illegal activity they may need to take part
      • The observer may be in position of information that would be immoral to withhold from the authorities
      • Difficulty gaining trust and building rapport with the group (influenced by the researcher's age, class, gender, ethnicity)
      • Difficulty staying detached enough to remain objective and unbiased
    • Recording Information in Observations
      1. Research Diaries (detailed record of what happens)
      2. Issues with disrupting normal behaviour if constantly recording information
    • Maintaining Objectivity in Observations

      • Close contact with individuals can lead to emotions emerging or relationships being built up, compromising objectivity
    • Influencing the Situation in Observations
      • The more involved the researcher is with the group, the greater the chance they will influence the group's behaviour
    • Participant Observation
      The researcher joins in with the group they are studying
    • Advantages of Participant Observation

      • Provides a primary source of first-hand data
      • Researcher is in a better position to fully understand the group and less likely to cause harm
      • Participants are more likely to be truthful and honest with the researcher
      • Allows the researcher to fully join the group and experience first-hand what is happening, gaining rich, insightful qualitative data
    • Disadvantages of Participant Observation
      • Only a small number can be observed at one time, so the sample may be unrepresentative
      • Time consuming and expensive
      • Difficulty gaining entry to the group and being accepted by other members (influenced by the researcher's sex, age or ethnicity)
      • Ethical issues, especially with covert observations (lying to participants)
      • The presence of the researcher may affect the behaviour of the group (Hawthorne effect)
      • Lack of structure makes the method unreliable and the data subjective and unrepresentative
    • Non-Participant Observation

      Observations carried out without the researcher participating
    • Advantages of Non-Participant Observation
      • Reduces the risk of the Hawthorne effect (if the observation is covert)
      • Easier to record information and observations without participating
    • Disadvantages of Non-Participant Observation
      • More at risk from the Hawthorne effect if the observation is overt
      • Gains less information than participant observations as the researcher is not as submerged in the group
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