An amalgamation of cells that all perform the same function.
A body part composed of several tissues grouped together to perform an overall function.
Layers of the ileum ( Outer -> Inner )
Muscularis externa (circular & longitudinal)
Muscularis mucosa
Columnar epithelium
Secretes copius amounts of mucus that acts as a lubricant and prevents digestion of the gut by its own enzymes.
Mucus produced by gobletcells.
Crypts of Lieberkuhn
Each crypt contains panethcells which are specialised for the secretion of antimicrobialpeptides and lysozyme to protect stemcells at the bottom of the crypt which actively divide to replenish epithelial cells further up the villi.
Monossaccharides, dipeptides and amino acids are absorbedintothecapillaries.
Help to maintain a concentration gradient.
fatty acids and glycerol pass into the lacteals and are transported away as fats in the lymphatic system.
Each epithelial cell possesses many microvilli.
The microvilli forma brush border and serve to further increasethesurface area.
Each epithelial cell has many mitochondria to provide the ATP necessary for activeuptake.
Absorption of monosaccharides and amino acids
Absorbed via sodium linked active transport.
Once in the cell their conc. increases and they exit via facilitated diffusion into the tissue fluid before diffusing into the capillary.
Absorption of lipids
Diffuse into the epithelial cell where they reform as triglycerides.
Some substances are absorbed by pinocytosis
Muscularis Mucosa
layer of smooth muscle
allows mucosa to stretch and contract with the movements of the digestive system
allows the maintenanceofaconcentration gradient between the contents of the ileum lumen and cells of the villi.
Layer of tissue containing blood and lymphatic vessels. It also contains connectivetissue that supports the mucosa.
Muscularis externa
Layer of circular and a layer of longitudinal muscle.
Coordinated movement provides:
Peristalsis which moves food along the gut
Local constrictions churning and mixing food in the gut
Pendular movement throwing food and therefore mixing it.
Composed of loose fibrous connective tissue.
Role: support and protection.
Mesophytic leaf layers
upper epidermis
palisade mesophyII
spongy mesophyII
lower epidermis
Waxy cuticle
Forms a waterproof layer over the leaf preventing excessive water loss.
Palisade mesophyII
Packed arrangement of columnar cells that are filled with chloroplasts.
Maximises photosynthesis
Spongy mesophyll
Loosely arranged spherical cells
Intercellularairspaces facilitate gas exchange - carbon dioxide entering stomata can readily diffuse through our spaces and reach photosynthesising cells.
Leaf lamina
very thin and has a large surface area.
mesophyll cells are closer to the surface reducing the diffusion distance of carbon dioxide.
Brings water and minerals from the roots into the leaf.